Kacchoiize! Japan

Received this in the mail on Monday. Hmmn, what could it be?

It's the ticket to the Japan Music Fiesta 2005 where v-u-den would be performing for the first time in Singapore! Charmy~
So, yup, I went for the Japan Music Fiesta thingy yesterday:D Reached Mediacorp at 5:30pm and was shocked to see that the queue was already so freaking long! Plus, there were so many Japanese there! I was sandwiched between 2 Japanese families in the queue and since I had nothing to do while queueing up, I sort of 'listened' to their conversation. Evil me. Then again, they were talking rather loudly so it was rather difficult to not listen to them. The two ladies were talking about Morning Musume's 7th gen member! Haha, it was so funny the way they criticised her about not being pretty and that she can't sing. Next, when we walked passed the v-u-den poster, the son, Kenta, started saying how much he liked v-u-den:D and that they were all from Morning Musume, which is untrue. So, his mum started to correct him by saying that only Rika-chan was an ex-MM member and that the other two were from Melon Kinenbi, which is again wrong. I really wanted to laugh because she said it in a very stuck-up-i-know-what-you-dont-know tone.
We finally got into the recording studio after like a long long wait and my sister and I sat behind Kenta and his brother. Both of them were playing their GameBoy. Wait, in fact, 99% of the kids seated around me had GameBoys. WTF? Lucky chewren...
So, Sharon Au came out to give a brief introduction. OMG, she was so freaking funny throughout the whole show. She's really great as a emcee. Now I finally understand why she got so many Best Host Awards. Anyway, the show started off with a speech by Mr Kojima Takaaki, the Ambassador of Japan to Singapore. He went on about how this campaign is to attract Singaporeans to Japan. He said until sooo convincing but seriously I dont think he was sincere. He left at the start of the first performance! WTF? How nice of him. Normally it would be the high-ranking official who does the lucky draw thingy but since he left early, Rika did it, not that I'm complaning though, but I thought that the ambassador could have had stayed a little longer.
First performance was this Wadaiko performance by JCS. Second one was Yosakoi Soran. OMG, the kids performing were sooo freaking cute! Third was a Yokoso Japan video, followed by a Q&A session. When asked what could be seen in Summer, this boy seated 2 rows in front of me shouted out 'Trees!' That was so funny and his friends were all laughing their heads off at him. In addition to it, that Kenta guy was like showing off his Japanese throughout the video session. Thanks, like Sharon Au didnt explain like that.
The big moment was about to begin! v-u-den came out covering themselves with these paper umbrellas! So pretty and secretive! About to take out my camera to start snapping away when Kenta's mum got scolded by this Japanese guy for taking photos. As he tried to reach over to stop her from taking photos, he lean his whole body on poor Kenta! Haha, a big guy resting his whole weight on a small boy, imagine how painful that is! Anyway, the guy later stood right next to me for next half of the performance so I couldnt take any photos at all! Damn!
v-u-den did a wonderful performance! When they appeared dressed in this big costume, I immediately know that they had another outfit underneath it! Haha, that's because MM always does that plus this outfit was about the same as their concert's, just more sexier:D The first song was Koi no Nukegara, followed by Ajisai Ai Ai Monogatari. After the song, they then did self-introductions...in English! OMG, Charmy was so freaking cute when she forgot what she wanted to say. kawaii!!! Yui also forgot what she wanted to say but wasnt as cute as Charmy, sorry, a bit of favoritism here. Erika managed to say her piece without any hiccups, but again, not as cute as Charmy. Next on was their new song, Hitorijime. Woo hoo! The dance was sooooo sexay~!
v-u-den then disappeared for a moment to take off the big costume to reveal a skimpier black and red one and they sang Aimai mi Mind. Never heard this song live before :D Next was Bi~Hit Parade~. I love this song ALOT! Plus, the dance moves were rather cute! Last song for the day was Kacchoiize! Japan. Charmy is really a born performer, she seemed to know where the cameraman was in the middle of the performance and did an extra swirl in front of the camera! Charmy rocks! After the song was this lucky draw thing for their Kacchoiize! Japan single. They were so cute when they read out the numbers, this time, Erika was cuter, because of her Engrish. Charmy kept saying 'congratualations'(sugoku kawaii!) to everyone who won the CD and she was always the first one to locate where the winner was seated! All the winners' numbers started with 4, 5 and 3, especially 5 and Kenta kept shouting 'Nande yanen' when they read out the numbers. His number started with 5 also but too bad, dont have his number:D
The biggest lucky draw of the day was done by Charmy! The winner was this 21-year old girl who was shorter than any of the three v-u-den members. When the translator told them she was 21, Charmy looked a bit shocked. Haha, that's because the winner was like older than any one of them there :D
I really loved the performance and Charmy looked a little more tanned than usual. Maybe it's because of the summer? Haha, they did a really good performance and no one was out of tune! The sound effects and dances were damn good! One scary thing was that there were 2 Japanese fanboys who flew from JAPAN to come and support them! Wa lau,fanatic sia! However, I swear that the 3 of them looked a bit scared when Sharon Au told them where the 2 fanboys came from.
Anyway, below are the photos my sister took secretly during the concert. All blurred but still can see outline. I dont know how she managed to take the photos with sooo many JAL people seated around us.

Next are photos by Miki of v-u-den arriving at the airport! Lucky lucky Miki! I'm so jealous! Charmy looks so pretty with and without make-up on! My sister agrees that Charmy has really superb complexion!

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