Start of Prelims
Prelims started today! This feels so weird, I feel like I'm so old already. Anyway, out of all my exam experiences in AC, today's one has got to be the funniest one. For starters, we were told only today that our index number for prelims would be the A Level one instead of the one we have been using since last year. Yup, so most people did not know their number and therefore the entering of the examination hall took a painfully long time.
Upon entering the examination hall, my class soon realised that Lim Jen See was the chief examiner. How lucky! We took four papers today and so she repeated the examination rules 4 times! Haha, I would die if I had to keep saying the same paragraph over and over. Next up was the checking of ID and entry proof and for my row, the teacher doing so was Mr Patrick Sum. When he reached Andrew, he started scolding him because Andrew's picture on his ID was covered withFerrero Rochre Fererro Rocchre some chocolate brand stickers.
Pat Sum: How do I know this is you? Supposedly Mr Andrew Chia?
Andrew: ...
Pat Sum: You didnt even bring your entry proof! And this card is from ACS. This is ACJC!
WTF? I thought as long as can prove your identity, who cares where it's from?
Pat Sum: Bring your passport and entry proof tommorrow!(throws the card back at Andrew)
That was GP Paper 1. For GP Paper 2, another woman checked Andrew's card and this time she was so evil as to hand the card over to Jen See. After the paper, Jen See called Andrew up to collect his card and asked where on earth does he look like that chocolate brand and made him stand on stage to peel off the stickers.
During Physics Paper 1, Andrew was about to sit down in his seat when he got hurried by Mr Lee Thien Hoe. Haha, every paper also get scolded! For some reason or another, Jen See made my row stay back for area cleaning... WTF? Who the hell was talking? And why would there be anything to clean up after a MCQ paper?! If it were GP, I would have had understood because people might crush papers up and throw them all over but MCQ??!
Physics Paper 2 was even funnier because Lim Oon Hua was there. She made 2 guys stand up because they were talking. However, one guy continued to talk and she went:
Lim Oon Hua: You, come in front. Go stand at the door there and talk to the door!
OMG! That was really funny considering that everyone in the radius of 10km could hear her clearly...Since many people didnt know their index numbers, the collection of GP papers took a long time. However, after 3 papers, you would think that people would have had learnt their lessons. Apparently, one did not. So Mr Lee Thien Hoe went, 'This is your 3rd paper and you still can write your index number wrongly.' After he said that, one of the female teachers said to him,'4th paper la.' Haha, she had to say through the mike! I loved the examination atmosphere today!....although the papers all sucked.
Sidetrack: Watched Battle Shinhwa on Arirang TV just now. Yayaya, I know this is like a damn old show but whatever la. So when Hyesung came on TV, I was like staring intently at the TV when my mum commented that he looked like a woman, not man at all. Wa can say Hyesung like that? So I replied, 'A bit girly nice what...' Guess what she replied? 'Man should look like a man...' WTF? How the hell is a man man supposed to look like? Anyway, I think my mum would seriously be freaked out by the time I bring my boyfriend(if I ever get one that is...where's Hyesung prime??!) home because 9 out of 10 chances he'll look like a girl...wahaha!!
Upon entering the examination hall, my class soon realised that Lim Jen See was the chief examiner. How lucky! We took four papers today and so she repeated the examination rules 4 times! Haha, I would die if I had to keep saying the same paragraph over and over. Next up was the checking of ID and entry proof and for my row, the teacher doing so was Mr Patrick Sum. When he reached Andrew, he started scolding him because Andrew's picture on his ID was covered with
Pat Sum: How do I know this is you? Supposedly Mr Andrew Chia?
Andrew: ...
Pat Sum: You didnt even bring your entry proof! And this card is from ACS. This is ACJC!
WTF? I thought as long as can prove your identity, who cares where it's from?
Pat Sum: Bring your passport and entry proof tommorrow!(throws the card back at Andrew)
That was GP Paper 1. For GP Paper 2, another woman checked Andrew's card and this time she was so evil as to hand the card over to Jen See. After the paper, Jen See called Andrew up to collect his card and asked where on earth does he look like that chocolate brand and made him stand on stage to peel off the stickers.
During Physics Paper 1, Andrew was about to sit down in his seat when he got hurried by Mr Lee Thien Hoe. Haha, every paper also get scolded! For some reason or another, Jen See made my row stay back for area cleaning... WTF? Who the hell was talking? And why would there be anything to clean up after a MCQ paper?! If it were GP, I would have had understood because people might crush papers up and throw them all over but MCQ??!
Physics Paper 2 was even funnier because Lim Oon Hua was there. She made 2 guys stand up because they were talking. However, one guy continued to talk and she went:
Lim Oon Hua: You, come in front. Go stand at the door there and talk to the door!
OMG! That was really funny considering that everyone in the radius of 10km could hear her clearly...Since many people didnt know their index numbers, the collection of GP papers took a long time. However, after 3 papers, you would think that people would have had learnt their lessons. Apparently, one did not. So Mr Lee Thien Hoe went, 'This is your 3rd paper and you still can write your index number wrongly.' After he said that, one of the female teachers said to him,'4th paper la.' Haha, she had to say through the mike! I loved the examination atmosphere today!....although the papers all sucked.
Sidetrack: Watched Battle Shinhwa on Arirang TV just now. Yayaya, I know this is like a damn old show but whatever la. So when Hyesung came on TV, I was like staring intently at the TV when my mum commented that he looked like a woman, not man at all. Wa can say Hyesung like that? So I replied, 'A bit girly nice what...' Guess what she replied? 'Man should look like a man...' WTF? How the hell is a man man supposed to look like? Anyway, I think my mum would seriously be freaked out by the time I bring my boyfriend(if I ever get one that is...where's Hyesung prime??!) home because 9 out of 10 chances he'll look like a girl...wahaha!!
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