Random Bits
As the title says, this post is seriously very random...
I've found a new hobby recently. And that's shopping for...stationery! I keep buying stationery of late, even if I do not need to use them. Then again, you cant really blame me for falling in love with this:

Lecture attendance in school has been quite poor considering that most people are already hibernating at home to mug for the prelims. This was how the Physics lecture group looked like, even though it was Mdm Lim Oon Hua teaching...

New sign at Oldham Wing. Found it really interesting as this was the staircase that Mark Lee told me to throw the volleyball behind.(Note: Archives 01 Apr 2005)

Had GP lesson today and for like 99% of the lesson, I was either talking to Ping Hwei, Eileen or Li Ming. Thus when Ms Too asked me to answer a question, obviously I could not provide her with a satisfactory reply. So after class when I was walking towards the lift...
Ms Too: Don't get too distracted.
I was stunned as before that I was gushing about Hyesung's picture, so I thought she wanted me not to be distracted by him, which is quite out of point.
Me: Har?
Ms Too: You don't understand what I said?
Me: Umn, I didnt really catch what you were saying.
Anytime one cant answer a question, the best way is to blame it on the surroundings :D
Ms Too: Dont get too distracted by your neighbours.
Then she realised that Li Ming who sat on my left during lesson was looking a little puzzled and she proceeded to say, "Sorry, I did not mean you. I meant the other neighbour." Haha, she was refering to Ping HWei who was seated on my right-hand side! Imagine me getting distracted by Ping Hwei, of all people! I found it quite hilarious. Then again, it was not too difficult getting distracted by Ping Hwei today because he received a letter regarding some GEP thing.
Me: Ping Hwei! You're a GEP-er?
Ping Hwei: No la, I wasn't lei...
After finishing the letter, he realised that it was not becuase he was a GEP-er that he got the letter. Instead, it was precisely that he wasnt one that he received it. Turns out that they wanted to compare students who are and are not in GEP to show how effective this programme is. Poor Ping Hwei! He kept saying that he was stupid after he realised it! This is so evil, I mean, how could they do something like this?!

Anyway, today Eileen told me that her friend was searching for my blog. Erm...plus I dont even know that person...search for my blog for what? This is scary man...Maybe I should follow Jun Zhong in keeping my blog a secret...Imagine if a teacher stumbles upon this site...
I've found a new hobby recently. And that's shopping for...stationery! I keep buying stationery of late, even if I do not need to use them. Then again, you cant really blame me for falling in love with this:

Lecture attendance in school has been quite poor considering that most people are already hibernating at home to mug for the prelims. This was how the Physics lecture group looked like, even though it was Mdm Lim Oon Hua teaching...

New sign at Oldham Wing. Found it really interesting as this was the staircase that Mark Lee told me to throw the volleyball behind.(Note: Archives 01 Apr 2005)

Had GP lesson today and for like 99% of the lesson, I was either talking to Ping Hwei, Eileen or Li Ming. Thus when Ms Too asked me to answer a question, obviously I could not provide her with a satisfactory reply. So after class when I was walking towards the lift...
Ms Too: Don't get too distracted.
I was stunned as before that I was gushing about Hyesung's picture, so I thought she wanted me not to be distracted by him, which is quite out of point.
Me: Har?
Ms Too: You don't understand what I said?
Me: Umn, I didnt really catch what you were saying.
Anytime one cant answer a question, the best way is to blame it on the surroundings :D
Ms Too: Dont get too distracted by your neighbours.
Then she realised that Li Ming who sat on my left during lesson was looking a little puzzled and she proceeded to say, "Sorry, I did not mean you. I meant the other neighbour." Haha, she was refering to Ping HWei who was seated on my right-hand side! Imagine me getting distracted by Ping Hwei, of all people! I found it quite hilarious. Then again, it was not too difficult getting distracted by Ping Hwei today because he received a letter regarding some GEP thing.
Me: Ping Hwei! You're a GEP-er?
Ping Hwei: No la, I wasn't lei...
After finishing the letter, he realised that it was not becuase he was a GEP-er that he got the letter. Instead, it was precisely that he wasnt one that he received it. Turns out that they wanted to compare students who are and are not in GEP to show how effective this programme is. Poor Ping Hwei! He kept saying that he was stupid after he realised it! This is so evil, I mean, how could they do something like this?!

Anyway, today Eileen told me that her friend was searching for my blog. Erm...plus I dont even know that person...search for my blog for what? This is scary man...Maybe I should follow Jun Zhong in keeping my blog a secret...Imagine if a teacher stumbles upon this site...
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