I Sang Hae
Havent updated here for such a long time. Hmmn, I've been doing quite a lot of stuff lately, like watching Innocent Steps, Jeni and Juno, Xiu Cai Yu Dao Bing, Full House(Rain is so freaking handsome), downloading 4GB worth of Rikachan no Magical Biyuden...in short, nothing related to studying. I seriously think I'm quite screwed man...
Anyway, today was GP Mock Exam. The exam was like so disgustingly done because the hall was so freaking cold such that I rather stopped writing than allow my hands to get frost-bitten. Plus, sickening Andrew Chia kept kicking my chair...and I do mean kicking my chair such that I was seated on only 2 legs of the chair.
Recently, I've been seeing lots of weird people. The first one I cant really name for my own safety reasons. All thanks to the first one that Kym keeps laughing at me, not to mention that I feel very weird around him/her.(I'm not going to divulge the sex of the first one too.)
The second one has got to be fishball. Well, fishball's not very weird but it's because of him that I got kicked by Li Ming today. Why do I keep getting kicked today?!
The third/fourth ones are these 2 guys from the Chemistry lecture group. At the end of the lecture today, I realised that Sean Tan was seating behind us so I was telling Li Ming about it. Whenever I get excited about something(I wasnt excited about Sean Tan, there's some other reason.), my voice tends to get quite squeaky or too low. Today, the former happened. Just after I made that very squeaky noise, the guy in front of us turned behind, then proceeded to tell his friend something, before both of them started to make these very squeaky voices and laughed. WTF. As we were about to leave the LT, Kym called my name to tell me something, so obviously the 2 guys heard my name. Then they started to go, 'Oh, so she's called Jiahui.' Of course it didnt sound that nice as one of them's not Chinese, so he didnt get the exact pronunciation of my name. Therefore, my name got mutated to 'Jiak Huay'. Nice name man...sounds like eating flowers.
Besides meeting weird people, I've been doing strange things too. First was when I called Mdm Chua today regarding my CCA records. Seriously, I didnt know why I used an extremely cheeky voice to talk to her. Kym said that I sounded as if I were talking to my boyfriend. Thanks man...
Kym wanted to learn the 3 Bears song sung in Full House, coupled with actions, so I sang the song with actions at the bleeches, only to get weird stares from the PE teacher seated there. And, Kym just laughed and laughed...
Another strange thing I did was yesterday. My class had to stay back in the LT because Jess was giving out notes. Everyone gathered around Jess while I was packing my bag. After I finished doing so, thinking that there was no one behind me, I skipped over Kym's bag and ran all the away to Jess, with my hands flapping in the air. However, what I didnt realise was that there were still 2 guys behind me...shit, now I feel so paiseh.
Then in class, while I was using one finger to pull Kym's sleeve, Ms Too walked into class and gave me this very weird look. Talking about Ms Too, she gave us a timed comprehension passage the other day. As soon as she said that we should be doing the summary now, she rushed all the way to where I was seated.(I always sit at the back.)
Ms Too: Aiyo, why do you keep writing in grid?
Me: Har, easier to count ma...
Ms Too: But the Cambridge examiners said that they dont like people to write in grid.
Me: Aiya, write in grid also allows the teacher to have an easier time counting what...
In reply, she...touched my head! What?! Touch my head for what? I'm still quite freaked out...
To end this entry, here's the cute sticker Aaron gave me. I dont know what's the bunny called but it's from the Hello Kitty family. Yup, and that's Hyesung's eyes peeping from the bottom of the photo.
Anyway, today was GP Mock Exam. The exam was like so disgustingly done because the hall was so freaking cold such that I rather stopped writing than allow my hands to get frost-bitten. Plus, sickening Andrew Chia kept kicking my chair...and I do mean kicking my chair such that I was seated on only 2 legs of the chair.
Recently, I've been seeing lots of weird people. The first one I cant really name for my own safety reasons. All thanks to the first one that Kym keeps laughing at me, not to mention that I feel very weird around him/her.(I'm not going to divulge the sex of the first one too.)
The second one has got to be fishball. Well, fishball's not very weird but it's because of him that I got kicked by Li Ming today. Why do I keep getting kicked today?!
The third/fourth ones are these 2 guys from the Chemistry lecture group. At the end of the lecture today, I realised that Sean Tan was seating behind us so I was telling Li Ming about it. Whenever I get excited about something(I wasnt excited about Sean Tan, there's some other reason.), my voice tends to get quite squeaky or too low. Today, the former happened. Just after I made that very squeaky noise, the guy in front of us turned behind, then proceeded to tell his friend something, before both of them started to make these very squeaky voices and laughed. WTF. As we were about to leave the LT, Kym called my name to tell me something, so obviously the 2 guys heard my name. Then they started to go, 'Oh, so she's called Jiahui.' Of course it didnt sound that nice as one of them's not Chinese, so he didnt get the exact pronunciation of my name. Therefore, my name got mutated to 'Jiak Huay'. Nice name man...sounds like eating flowers.
Besides meeting weird people, I've been doing strange things too. First was when I called Mdm Chua today regarding my CCA records. Seriously, I didnt know why I used an extremely cheeky voice to talk to her. Kym said that I sounded as if I were talking to my boyfriend. Thanks man...
Kym wanted to learn the 3 Bears song sung in Full House, coupled with actions, so I sang the song with actions at the bleeches, only to get weird stares from the PE teacher seated there. And, Kym just laughed and laughed...
Another strange thing I did was yesterday. My class had to stay back in the LT because Jess was giving out notes. Everyone gathered around Jess while I was packing my bag. After I finished doing so, thinking that there was no one behind me, I skipped over Kym's bag and ran all the away to Jess, with my hands flapping in the air. However, what I didnt realise was that there were still 2 guys behind me...shit, now I feel so paiseh.
Then in class, while I was using one finger to pull Kym's sleeve, Ms Too walked into class and gave me this very weird look. Talking about Ms Too, she gave us a timed comprehension passage the other day. As soon as she said that we should be doing the summary now, she rushed all the way to where I was seated.(I always sit at the back.)
Ms Too: Aiyo, why do you keep writing in grid?
Me: Har, easier to count ma...
Ms Too: But the Cambridge examiners said that they dont like people to write in grid.
Me: Aiya, write in grid also allows the teacher to have an easier time counting what...
In reply, she...touched my head! What?! Touch my head for what? I'm still quite freaked out...
To end this entry, here's the cute sticker Aaron gave me. I dont know what's the bunny called but it's from the Hello Kitty family. Yup, and that's Hyesung's eyes peeping from the bottom of the photo.

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