Title Nashi
The 'holidays' has been damn boring for me. I know I'm supposed to be studying during this period of time but I'm just too lazy to do so. Hope that a miracle would happen again. I realised that as I grow older, I grow lazier too. When I was in Primary 1, I used to mug like mad for all the tests we had. Then somehow, that mugging character started to disappear in Primary 5 and 6. Maybe it's because I didnt really like my form teacher.(Yup, that's bullshit.) Then came Secondary 1 when that mugging me returned. However, it slowly succumbed to copying -- an easier way out. Alas, the person seated next to me was even lazier than me(that's why we are good friends, I think.), therefore we devised this 'each study half' plan to cheat. Our cheating methods included zipping of pencil cases, knocking of tables, kicking of legs...to represent 'yes', 'no' and 'I also dont know how to do.' When I got promoted to Secondary 3, I got a little more hardworking and I pratically did and handed in all my assignments on time, however, that did not apply for Secondary 4. I didnt really hand in my homework...but the teachers still had this good impression of me. Hahaha. I remember that there was once I handed in my Social Studies assignment a total of two weeks late, only to find out that the teacher havent even taken out the papers that were stuffed into his pigeon hole two weeks earlier. But, that's not the point. As I was saying, I've become so freaking lazy!!! Noooo...why?! Do I have some disease or something?!
Ok lar, I admit I was damn bored therefore the above paragraph. So, here's photos of Mr Sim's office table taken by hy.

Cute writings on the wrapper of this sweet. There's 'Yahho', 'Nakayoshi', 'Ii Koi wo shite(or something like that)' and etc. Damn cute!

Guess what this is? It's the cover of a sweet container. So freaking cute!! I wanted to take the cover home but Mr Sim said no...damn! The duck looks so happy, despite the lack of eyes.

Besides files and papers, Mr Sim has damn lots of FOOD on his table! Like Campbell soup, coconut shreds, chocolates, sweets...blah blah blah.
There was this 'Mr Slim' toilet roll in his office, artwork by Sherman. Should have had taken a photo of it. Quite funny.
Anyway, while waiting for my mum to come and pick me up from school, this car drove into school. Yup, many cars drive into school everyday. Not much of a surprise...but this car is freaking fat and long. It attracted damn a lot of stares when it drove into the concourse. Rich people...

Ok lar, I admit I was damn bored therefore the above paragraph. So, here's photos of Mr Sim's office table taken by hy.

Cute writings on the wrapper of this sweet. There's 'Yahho', 'Nakayoshi', 'Ii Koi wo shite(or something like that)' and etc. Damn cute!

Guess what this is? It's the cover of a sweet container. So freaking cute!! I wanted to take the cover home but Mr Sim said no...damn! The duck looks so happy, despite the lack of eyes.

Besides files and papers, Mr Sim has damn lots of FOOD on his table! Like Campbell soup, coconut shreds, chocolates, sweets...blah blah blah.
There was this 'Mr Slim' toilet roll in his office, artwork by Sherman. Should have had taken a photo of it. Quite funny.
Anyway, while waiting for my mum to come and pick me up from school, this car drove into school. Yup, many cars drive into school everyday. Not much of a surprise...but this car is freaking fat and long. It attracted damn a lot of stares when it drove into the concourse. Rich people...

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