
Temporary blog for Mizu-Kioku.Net

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Yet Another Random Post

Marking of A Level Art took place on Monday. Seriously, I've never seen ACJC so well-decorated before, even during Fun-O-Rama. The art pieces this year were really cool and well, pretty. The examiners must be blind if there's no 'A' standard artpiece there. Although I hate to admit this, Andrew's artpiece's really wonderful, nothing like the artist though. I kind of like it alot, but not as much as the one next to his(the window teashop or something like that artpiece). Haha. Anyway, here's a link to the picture of Andrew's work of art. No thumbnail available as I was too lazy to run Photoshop.

On Monday, I told Li Ming that it was Luo Kun's birthday that day, well, jokingly. Why would I remember the birthday of someone I rarely never talk to? However, she thought that it was for real and went to tell Tommie that. So, Tommie sent Luo Kun a SMS...

Tommie's message: Hey man, happy birthday.
Luo Kun's message: Thanks. But today's not my birthday. My birthday's in February.

OMG, I feel so bad(like real) about this!

Yesterday, half of my class went into the wrong classroom for GP lesson. Thought that it was rather hilarious for like 10 people to go into the wrong class together, thinking that it's the right classroom.

Other than that, school has been really boring. Thus, Li Ming and I have been reduced to drawing portraits of the lecturers teaching us while attending their lectures. Miss Too saw one of those pictures and started to laugh. Yup, that's how bad our drawing skills are. I should be quite a good artist, considering that Andrew takes 'A' Level Art. Either that or Andrew took away all my art genes. Just like Qin Zhen who stole all my tall genes, according to Sherman Yang. I'm like a whole 40cm shorter than Qin Zhen...damn, I'm so freaking short.


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