I Sang Hae
Havent updated here for such a long time. Hmmn, I've been doing quite a lot of stuff lately, like watching Innocent Steps, Jeni and Juno, Xiu Cai Yu Dao Bing, Full House(Rain is so freaking handsome), downloading 4GB worth of Rikachan no Magical Biyuden...in short, nothing related to studying. I seriously think I'm quite screwed man...
Anyway, today was GP Mock Exam. The exam was like so disgustingly done because the hall was so freaking cold such that I rather stopped writing than allow my hands to get frost-bitten. Plus, sickening Andrew Chia kept kicking my chair...and I do mean kicking my chair such that I was seated on only 2 legs of the chair.
Recently, I've been seeing lots of weird people. The first one I cant really name for my own safety reasons. All thanks to the first one that Kym keeps laughing at me, not to mention that I feel very weird around him/her.(I'm not going to divulge the sex of the first one too.)
The second one has got to be fishball. Well, fishball's not very weird but it's because of him that I got kicked by Li Ming today. Why do I keep getting kicked today?!
The third/fourth ones are these 2 guys from the Chemistry lecture group. At the end of the lecture today, I realised that Sean Tan was seating behind us so I was telling Li Ming about it. Whenever I get excited about something(I wasnt excited about Sean Tan, there's some other reason.), my voice tends to get quite squeaky or too low. Today, the former happened. Just after I made that very squeaky noise, the guy in front of us turned behind, then proceeded to tell his friend something, before both of them started to make these very squeaky voices and laughed. WTF. As we were about to leave the LT, Kym called my name to tell me something, so obviously the 2 guys heard my name. Then they started to go, 'Oh, so she's called Jiahui.' Of course it didnt sound that nice as one of them's not Chinese, so he didnt get the exact pronunciation of my name. Therefore, my name got mutated to 'Jiak Huay'. Nice name man...sounds like eating flowers.
Besides meeting weird people, I've been doing strange things too. First was when I called Mdm Chua today regarding my CCA records. Seriously, I didnt know why I used an extremely cheeky voice to talk to her. Kym said that I sounded as if I were talking to my boyfriend. Thanks man...
Kym wanted to learn the 3 Bears song sung in Full House, coupled with actions, so I sang the song with actions at the bleeches, only to get weird stares from the PE teacher seated there. And, Kym just laughed and laughed...
Another strange thing I did was yesterday. My class had to stay back in the LT because Jess was giving out notes. Everyone gathered around Jess while I was packing my bag. After I finished doing so, thinking that there was no one behind me, I skipped over Kym's bag and ran all the away to Jess, with my hands flapping in the air. However, what I didnt realise was that there were still 2 guys behind me...shit, now I feel so paiseh.
Then in class, while I was using one finger to pull Kym's sleeve, Ms Too walked into class and gave me this very weird look. Talking about Ms Too, she gave us a timed comprehension passage the other day. As soon as she said that we should be doing the summary now, she rushed all the way to where I was seated.(I always sit at the back.)
Ms Too: Aiyo, why do you keep writing in grid?
Me: Har, easier to count ma...
Ms Too: But the Cambridge examiners said that they dont like people to write in grid.
Me: Aiya, write in grid also allows the teacher to have an easier time counting what...
In reply, she...touched my head! What?! Touch my head for what? I'm still quite freaked out...
To end this entry, here's the cute sticker Aaron gave me. I dont know what's the bunny called but it's from the Hello Kitty family. Yup, and that's Hyesung's eyes peeping from the bottom of the photo.
My Vote
My class finally resolved the seating arrangement problem for Senior's Night today. Whew! I never knew that planning seats could be so difficult...Kym was like on the verge of pulling out her hair while doing so. Anyway, currently at my table we have, Jess, Jess' friend, Andrew, Bjorn, Ping Hwei, Shaozhen, Shaozhen's friend, Kym, Li Ming and me. Next to our table is the SB3-SB4 table with Lisa, Nicolle, Tommie, Ray and Wee Yang.
We had to fill up the nomination form too and I really didnt know who to vote for because I dont know many people from school, so here are my votes:
Mr ACJC: erm...dont know who to vote for.
Miss ACJC: Tan Li Feng
Mr Picture Perfect: Loh Weiliang...copied Kym.
Miss Picture Perfect: Michelle Lee
Mr Friendly: Andrew Paul...I dont know why I voted for him too...haha
Miss Congeniality: Celene Ng...first person to talk to me in JC :D
Mr Smiley: Of course...Lee Kar Fai
Miss Sunshine: Geraldine Lee...her smile is just infectious!
Jester: none other than Tommie Choo.
Most Talented ACSian: Tan Li Feng...copied Tommie.
Rrreallly Random Photos
My internet connection's finally up after being dead from Friday. I missed surfing the net soooo much! Anyway, dont really feel like writing lots of words, so...pictures time!

AC became ACWOOD on teacher's day. Teacher's day celebration totally sucked though.

Bought all these v-u-den cds in one shot. My mum's going to kill me when the bill arrives...

Found this outside Bugis. Rather weird place to put a statue on...

Candid shot of JZ eating at VJC by Anthony. He can really eat man! He ate Anthony's, his own and my share of food...and still manages to stay so skinny...I'm jealous! Grrr. P.S.: Sorry for making JZ walk like about 7 times to the buffet table that day.

Very WTF picture. Then again, I like it. Therefore, it's up here. It's a snail by the way...no one could see that it's a snail when I showed them the photo, all thanks to my shaky hands while taking the photo. I have really shaky hands when it comes to taking photos, even for self-shot. All the nice self-shot photos in my handphone were taken by my friend...the blurry ones were by me.

Dead lizard founnd in 7.13. I never knew that lizards have reddish-brown blood. I always thought that it was supposed to be green. Thanks to Wee Keat and Shaozhen for disposing of it. No thanks to Wee Keat for describing the smell emitted from it. Lizard was squashed to death by the way.
Talking about squashed animals, I saw a squashed cat two Saturdays ago. It was totally disgusting! It got ran over by a vehicle or something and it's head was totally non-recognisable after the vehicle was done with it. All it's entrails were strewn over the road and there was a really revolting smell coming from it. This was before I went to watch a movie.
When I returned from the movie, only half of the cat was left on the road. My sister and I decided to go to the RC to inform them so that they can dispose of the body...only to find out that the RC was closed. Anyway, up to 2 Mondays ago, the cat was still on the road, only that the body was highly decomposed till the extent that it did not even remotely look like a cat anymore.

View of squashed cat far-away. Confirm hit-and-run case. Closer view of the body below...scroll if you are brave enough.

Gross! Kym must be sick to actually like this picture...
1st Day of Term 4
Today was the 1st day of the 4th term. For the past week, I was like worrying about how I had fared in the prelims and I was so scared that every single paper would be thrown back at us today. In the end, all papers can only be returned on Friday...Anyway, I already know my shitty Chemistry results. I barely passed the paper, which is not too bad la, considering that I did not study for Chemistry at all. Then again, I feel bad for not studying for it...but it's over already so heck la.
Chinese paper 1 I think is also a goner. Ms Tai was going through the questions for composition and only for the question I did she discussed lots of problems. Then for the rest, she just said it was not bad. Thanks lo, but I still dont know where I went wrong for composition because all the problems she said I wrote it in the essay. Then again, everytime I think that something is okay-done, the results would always be the opposite. Anyway, she asked me why I didnt do the question that everyone else did...wth? I thought that there's a freedom of choice? If I didnt choose that question, obviously I dont have anything to write right...but that didnt stop her from making me write that topic as homework today. Fuck. I am so sway.
GP was bad too. Not the results but the lesson. We discussed question 3 in class today and the teacher asked everyone who did that question to give her points so that she can write them on the board. I guess that she really needs to ask me a question every lesson or she'll be very buay song. First question she asked was what question I did, which was question 5 so basically she cant ask me to answer any questions today. However, she asked me how to do the counter-argument for question 3! Like how the fuck would I know. Every single person she asked today all did question 3...plus only me who did question 5...that really proves my point that she would die if she didnt ask me any questions at all a day. Damn...the holiday must had been soooo boring for her...without me.
Once again, the new timetable sucks. I dont have any recess or lunch period at all throughout the whole week, save for Friday recess. Therefore, I can only rely on my free period to save myself from dying of hunger. Somemore today was the first day of school, so I was practically flying into the canteen when Econs period came...only to see that each store was having great business! Anyway, I ate chicken rice in the end. Wait...basically I only ate rice and vegetables because the chicken was like soaked in blood. It kind of looked like the red ink marks on my shirt that I got when I leaned against the chair that some fucker spilled red ink on. So, I was like on the verge of vomitting after that, even computer playing in school didnt look as fun.
Next was Chinese Paper 2. Mr Sim just went through rather in depth with us on how to answer the questions. I thought that he would slam my HLM essay but he didnt. I also dont know why...I really wrote crap. As expected, he talked about my Dong Ye essay. That's because I didnt know how to write this character's name so I left it as Yu (space) Lei. Cha Guan was surprisingly not bad! I thought what I wrote was rather crappy though. Er Zi de Da Wan Ou sucked. Translation was not that bad too. Anyway, throughout the whole Chinese lesson, I rested my head on the table, practically for the whole time, while feeling very sick becuase of the bloody chicken. Wasted my $2.50!!!
Searching for my blog
Wanted to blog about the Moblog thingy today but since the USB cable is still with Tim(oi! return lei) so I cant take the pictures out of the camera, therefore I'll blog about it another day. Instead, here's searching for my blog part 3.
v-u-den I got 30 over searches for v-u-den. Yay, they rock!
singapore miki v-u-den
v-u-den gallery
v-u-den mediacorp
japan music fiesta 2005
aya matsuura
morning musume and tickets
ggpx Another popular search keyword
ggpx - hyolee
hyolee ggpx
ggpx new york
ggpx hyolee
hyesung repackage
battle shinhwa
battle shinhwa on arirang
photo blooper
guan acjc
miss ki-oku Whose's name is that?
super iq concrete thinker
moon geun young commercials
mikayo domain mizu-kioku.net
transition lenses
wet singapore school uniform Sick...unless you're finding those really in the laundry...not possible.
msn nicknames jealous huh?
radio heatwave
bpghs photo
sushi buffet singapore
acjc council blog
lau jun zhong Who's this?
wong tze yang acjc Nooooo? Who searched? Somemore this keyword got 3 hits!
mark lee acjc My sis's ex pe teacher? Or did Mark Lee Guo Huang study in ACJC before?
mr patrick sum acjc This is weird...who searches for teachers on the net one?
david loh singapore Dont tell me is that David Loh from ACJC hor...
2sb3 acjc ...just remembered that I've got to print the movie thingy for Tommie...
sajc girls
ms ng and blog and sajc This is not SAJC...thank you very much...
sef student forum 2005
long john silver coupons Buy from me Fun-O-Rama tickets lei...
picture of choa chu kang swimming complex Crazy ar, who wants that kind of photo?
lee da-hae website and picture gallery Lee Da-hae...who?
lei brand sunglasses
holding funeral void deck Who searches for this kind of thing one?!
how much is tommie goh worth Is Tommie Goh someone famous?
list of puppies in all the shops in singapore and their prices Does my site look like a puppy store?!
url on hoe sit down ??
William 'Pumpkin' Smedly
Yesterday mum, sis, popo and I went to Aunt Lucy's house for lunch. Guess who we saw there? It's William and Lizzie! OMG, they are so freaking cute!!
Lunch was a rather quiet affair till they came home after their trip to the hairdresser. This was what happened during lunch.
Title: Good Milk
Egg Yolk Papa(Will's grandpa) gave him some milk to drink during lunch, telling him that's it's good milk.
Marie(Will's mum): How many times do I have to tell you not to drink milk during meals?
Will: But it's good milk...
So, Egg Yolk Papa got scolded by Marie...haha.
Title: Haircut
Aunt Lucy: How did Gong-gong get his hair cut?
Will: His hair got stuck in the fan!
Marie: That's why he let me cut his hair after that.
Lizzie: Daddy has no hair! Only a little hair at the back of the head!
OMG, that was freaking cute when Lizzie said that.
Title: Chinese Name
Aunt Lucy: Do you know your Chinese name?
Will:(looking paiseh) Erm...nope!
Egg Yolk Papa: What's your full name?
Will: William Pang Jin Smedly(he read it as 'ssh-meh-do-leh'!)
Egg Yolk Papa :William Pumpkin Smedly?
Will: Not pumpkin, it's Pang Jin!(he reads 'jin' as 'gin'.)
And he says he doesnt know his Chinese name...
Egg Yolk Papa: What's Lizzie's full name?
Will: Elizabeth Pang do-do Smedly!
Haha, own name say until so nice, sister's name say until like that? Haha.
Title: Charsiew
Lizzie: Mummy I want duckie.
Will: I call it buckie!
After some time...
Will: Mummy, I want some more duckie. The one I just ate.
Marie: That's not duck you ate, it's charsiew. Pork.
Will(looking a bit paiseh): Piggie! Porky-worky!
Kids are just soooo funny!
After lunch, we played with them and William made Lizzie cry when he accidentally stepped on her. Instead of running away and shirking responsibilty like other siblings, he went over and started kissing her and made her laugh by tickling her. Such a nice brother! The funny part was, few seconds after she laughed, he then accidentally hit his head on the wall and started wailing and went to find his mother. Then, I asked Lizzie if she was going to kiss her brother and she shook her head. Hahaha!!
Anyway, below are photos my sister took. I suck at photography so yup, she took the photos.

William grinning for the camera!

Demure Lizzie!

William eating the biscuits that we brought there. *Hur Hur Hur*

'Hmmn, what's so funny about eating biscuits?'

Say cheese!

'William, you spoilt the photo by not smiling properly! Therefore, I'm not going to smile too!' *shows funny face*

'Hee hee, I'm only going to smile when I'm taking photos with my toy!'

'Doesm't these cones look nice on my fingers?'

'Ssh, dont tell William these are from his toy set.'

Why does Lizzie keep on turning her head?

It's because William's trying to pull her eyelid! 'That's what you get for playing with my toy!'

'I'm tired...'

'But I'm still going to grin!' This is scary, William looks so much like Andrew! Even their names. Not the English ones, but the Chinese ones. William's called Pang Jin and Andrew's called Pang Jun...

Both staring intently at the TV screen.


Lizzie climbing onto my back. She was sooo cute! She climbed a few times and laughed when I sorta 'threw' her off my back, onto the mattress lar...
We also took videos of them but the videos are soooo freaking long and might just eat up all my bandwidth if I post them up here. So, here are the screencaps instead!

OMG, they are just so cute!! I wanna steal them! Muhahaha.
Anyway, after that, I went to West Mall to buy vcds for the holidays. I was looking at Japanese vcds when the salesman recommended Fugou Keiji to me and I told him I've watched it already...and he started talking to me about the whole story, from the start to the end!! WTF? To cut a long story shot, I bought Aijou Ippon, Kegareta Shita, Premonition and...and...

Rain's repackage album that has a waterbottle, poster, postcards, photo booklet! Wahaha, I'm sooo happy! Bi~