More birthday well-wishes from Sharon and Aaron on 17th May :D My grandmother gave me an ang-pow and a gold bracelet, which she bought like 30 years ago, for me. My sister got me a 'J' pendant. Mum gave me a big fat ang-pow and I actually managed to force my father into giving me an ang-pow this year. Yay :D Kym gave me a nice bracelet and a pair of sweet rose earings. :D
Anyway, Thursday was the worse day I ever had. I was the only EOA left at work as the rest were either having off-day or took leave. Plus, it did not help that I was already sick. Almost died at the end of the day...In the end, I took leave on Friday. While sleeping on Friday evening, I received a call from work asking me to relief a JC2 class on Saturday. Hell no! I was like fucking sick so how was I supposed to prepare notes for the yup, I turned it down. First time I've ever done so. Yay :D
Today, I almost got kissed by a student. I was doing clinic with this P1 boy and he kept sticking himself to me. Guess how shocked I was when I was like 1cm away from his face when I turned to talk to him...Apparently he has a record. He actually kissed my colleague's hand the other time she took him. Wa lau, P1 only so humsup! How can?! Anyway, today was such a slack day that I practically had nothing to do but to stare blankly in space for like an hour...Sian...
Checked my work email today and was startled to see my name on the volunteer list for JUST Creativity...reason being I've never volunteered before. Asked my friend about it and it seems like it was the boss who put my name down...What am I supposed to do anyway? Take care of little children? Noooo!
This post isnt getting anywhere. I better go sleep before my condition worsens further...tomorrow still got Japanese class! By the way, I got 92 on the last test. I seriously thought that I would fail...haha :D
Happy Birthday to me!
Turned nineteen yesterday. OMG, I feel so old just another year I'll hit 20 and I still dont have a boyfriend!!! This seriously sucks. Anyway, whatever la. Below are the birthday greetings I received this year. Wanted to do a comparison with last year(or was it last last year) but somehow I think that particular post got deleted along with my server crash...
On 15th May, which is like one day before my birthday, I received the following message from Donna:
Hi...Sorry didnt msg earlier today really not well...So now...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! B-) 2 more years to R21!
Which was then followed by another one saying paiseh because it wasnt my birthday yet...Hahaha!!
Then finally on the big day itself!
Jerelynn : Happy Birthday, gal! May ur wishes come true and have an enjoyable day. :D
Donna : HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! B-) sorry abt yesterday's fiasco ;-(
Kymberlyn: Happy birthday! Have a lovely day ahead.
Actually Kym sent me a MMS but I didnt activated GPRS so yup, she sent me a text message instead :D
Li Ming : Chinggu ah! :) Saeng il chuk ha hae yo! Hope you'll have a great day today:):)
Swee Hong : Yo! Happy 19th birthday! May all your wishes come true...Hee
Guo Cheng : Happy birthday..! You are OLDER..!
Wa lau...was there a need to emphasise?!
Weizhi : Today really auntie already horh...Hehe. Wah liew, you're freaking older than me...XD
I'm only a few months older la!
Gary Ang : Hey today ur birthday rite! Happy birthday =)
Seriously got a shock when I received this...Haha, havent seen Gary Ang in like 2-3 years and he still remembers my birthday! I used to bully him in tuition when he was my tuition I get bullied by students...retribution!!!
Haoyang : happy birthday=D
Eileen and Weeyang wished me too on MSN...Haha, Weeyang's a super slacker...can work and MSN at the same time!
Vicki brought cakes up to my workplace to celebrate with me but she didnt know that I took off yesterday...:(
Domoto Koichi also came to celebrate my birthday! the form of Endless Shock DVD and CD...haha.

The Endless Shock is soooo cool! 3 DVDs and a photo booklet of Koichi!! Dai~suki~!

My yummy mango birthday cake! I was having a rather bad sore throat so I joked to Guo Cheng that I'll mash it up and mix with water so that I could at least swallow it...Haha, luckily I didnt have to do that. The cake was seriously scrumptious! I love mango!!

My father's birthday cake when lit up! My father's birthday was on the 2nd of May :D

My birthday cake when lit up!

My father making a wish before blowing out the candles...What kind of expression is that?!
[Me making a wish before blowing out the candles.]
No photo available because I was in the midst of doing a mask then...use your imagination. :P
Anyway, the reason why I had a bad sore throat was partly because of the spicy Peranakan Mother's Day dinner I had on Sunday at Blue Ginger. The food was delicious but the portions were like so freaking small, not to mention expensive too! Another reason for my sore throat was because I kept munching on the goodies my auntie brought back from Japan...

Yakigani senbei! Made from some crab called tarabagani or something...Whatever...Tasted damn shiok!

Shiroi Koibito biscuits! Freaking yummy! Vicki gave me some when she went to Hongkong and I'm totally in love with it!

I was a little apprehensive about the taste of sweet corn chocolate but it was damn good!!!
Yup, that's how my sore throat came about...Besides eating Strepsils(totally useless), taking antibiotics(no result seen) and sucking on Watermelon Frost tablets(results seen!), my grandmother brewed this Chinese herbal thingy called Zhu Feng Tea for me. Like every other Chinese herbal drink, it didnt taste I almost puked when I realised that Zhu Feng is actually the name of a bee!!!

The 'essence' of Zhu Feng Tea...eew!!!
I'm going to marry a killer
Went out with Eileen today to Orchard. Wanted to eat at Han Ka Ram but it wasnt open for business! can a restaurant be closed on a public holiday when the whole world is like eating out?! In the end, we ate at Sakae Sushi instead. Next, went to the Biotherm counter at Takashimaya to purchase something but it was like sold out and we had to go to Paragon instead. Man, the service of the Biotherm counter staff there seriously sucks. They didnt even bother attending to us when we walked in. Then when I was about to make payment, the woman told me to go to the cashier myself. However, when the ang moh guy wanted to pay, she walked him all the way to the cashier. WTF?! What kind of shit service is this?!
Next, went to Hereen's mise exclusive where I went Koichi-crazy...after a long period of being Rain-crazy and Hyesung-crazy. Bought Koichi's Apr 2006 to Mar 2007 calendar. OMG, it came with a Koichi photobook and a Koichi flyer. I wanted to buy the Koichi clear folder but it was like $18.90 for one! The normal cartoon clear folders sell at $1 for yup, decided against it because it just wasnt sensible to buy such an expensive folder when I'm not even schooling now. Wait...maybe I'll buy it when I enter Uni this August :P By the way, I got into NUS's FASS...I cant believe they accepted me even though my grades pretty much sucked. Hee hee.
Following that, we went to Sol Mart and I bought the very yummy Gochujang and this plum powder tasting ice-cream. Man, I really like shopping at Korean and Japanese supermarkets...I feel so auntish all of a sudden...Anyway, we then went to the i21 shop and went crazy looking at Mac stuff before entering the cinema to watch...

OMG, this show is like freaking good and I totally loved it! Somemore there was Jeon Ji Hyun and oh-so-sexy Jung Woo Sung in it! Then again, it was really weird seeing the 2 of them in the movie because it reminded me of the Giordano ads they used to do together. Haha.

Jung Woo Sung seriously looks so sexy as a killer in this show...I'm so going to marry a killer next time...just kidding. I rather marry Jung Woo Sung himself. Then again, he's too old for me.

I really liked how the movie progressed but the ending kind of sucked for me...I cried when Jeon Ji Hyun died in the show...Man, I need to stop crying in cinemas...damn paiseh.
Going to sleep now so that I can wake up in time to meet Donna for breakfast tomorrow...I'm freaking hungry now because I forgot to eat dinner. Before that, let me end off with a picture of Jung Woo Sung again! Night!

P.S.: Anyone can send me the OST for Daisy?