Just found out that the guy who 'crushed' Kenta during the Japan Music Fiesta 2005 was some manager from H!P! That's why he was so uptight about people photographing them. Must be scared later people take their own photos then dont wanna buy official photos...
Here's a picture of him. Click. According to the people who got scolded by him for 'stalking' v-u-den, he's their manager. Then again, maybe he's not the manager...where got manager carry luggages one?
Kacchoiize! Japan

Received this in the mail on Monday. Hmmn, what could it be?

It's the ticket to the Japan Music Fiesta 2005 where v-u-den would be performing for the first time in Singapore! Charmy~
So, yup, I went for the Japan Music Fiesta thingy yesterday:D Reached Mediacorp at 5:30pm and was shocked to see that the queue was already so freaking long! Plus, there were so many Japanese there! I was sandwiched between 2 Japanese families in the queue and since I had nothing to do while queueing up, I sort of 'listened' to their conversation. Evil me. Then again, they were talking rather loudly so it was rather difficult to not listen to them. The two ladies were talking about Morning Musume's 7th gen member! Haha, it was so funny the way they criticised her about not being pretty and that she can't sing. Next, when we walked passed the v-u-den poster, the son, Kenta, started saying how much he liked v-u-den:D and that they were all from Morning Musume, which is untrue. So, his mum started to correct him by saying that only Rika-chan was an ex-MM member and that the other two were from Melon Kinenbi, which is again wrong. I really wanted to laugh because she said it in a very stuck-up-i-know-what-you-dont-know tone.
We finally got into the recording studio after like a long long wait and my sister and I sat behind Kenta and his brother. Both of them were playing their GameBoy. Wait, in fact, 99% of the kids seated around me had GameBoys. WTF? Lucky chewren...
So, Sharon Au came out to give a brief introduction. OMG, she was so freaking funny throughout the whole show. She's really great as a emcee. Now I finally understand why she got so many Best Host Awards. Anyway, the show started off with a speech by Mr Kojima Takaaki, the Ambassador of Japan to Singapore. He went on about how this campaign is to attract Singaporeans to Japan. He said until sooo convincing but seriously I dont think he was sincere. He left at the start of the first performance! WTF? How nice of him. Normally it would be the high-ranking official who does the lucky draw thingy but since he left early, Rika did it, not that I'm complaning though, but I thought that the ambassador could have had stayed a little longer.
First performance was this Wadaiko performance by JCS. Second one was Yosakoi Soran. OMG, the kids performing were sooo freaking cute! Third was a Yokoso Japan video, followed by a Q&A session. When asked what could be seen in Summer, this boy seated 2 rows in front of me shouted out 'Trees!' That was so funny and his friends were all laughing their heads off at him. In addition to it, that Kenta guy was like showing off his Japanese throughout the video session. Thanks, like Sharon Au didnt explain like that.
The big moment was about to begin! v-u-den came out covering themselves with these paper umbrellas! So pretty and secretive! About to take out my camera to start snapping away when Kenta's mum got scolded by this Japanese guy for taking photos. As he tried to reach over to stop her from taking photos, he lean his whole body on poor Kenta! Haha, a big guy resting his whole weight on a small boy, imagine how painful that is! Anyway, the guy later stood right next to me for next half of the performance so I couldnt take any photos at all! Damn!
v-u-den did a wonderful performance! When they appeared dressed in this big costume, I immediately know that they had another outfit underneath it! Haha, that's because MM always does that plus this outfit was about the same as their concert's, just more sexier:D The first song was Koi no Nukegara, followed by Ajisai Ai Ai Monogatari. After the song, they then did English! OMG, Charmy was so freaking cute when she forgot what she wanted to say. kawaii!!! Yui also forgot what she wanted to say but wasnt as cute as Charmy, sorry, a bit of favoritism here. Erika managed to say her piece without any hiccups, but again, not as cute as Charmy. Next on was their new song, Hitorijime. Woo hoo! The dance was sooooo sexay~!
v-u-den then disappeared for a moment to take off the big costume to reveal a skimpier black and red one and they sang Aimai mi Mind. Never heard this song live before :D Next was Bi~Hit Parade~. I love this song ALOT! Plus, the dance moves were rather cute! Last song for the day was Kacchoiize! Japan. Charmy is really a born performer, she seemed to know where the cameraman was in the middle of the performance and did an extra swirl in front of the camera! Charmy rocks! After the song was this lucky draw thing for their Kacchoiize! Japan single. They were so cute when they read out the numbers, this time, Erika was cuter, because of her Engrish. Charmy kept saying 'congratualations'(sugoku kawaii!) to everyone who won the CD and she was always the first one to locate where the winner was seated! All the winners' numbers started with 4, 5 and 3, especially 5 and Kenta kept shouting 'Nande yanen' when they read out the numbers. His number started with 5 also but too bad, dont have his number:D
The biggest lucky draw of the day was done by Charmy! The winner was this 21-year old girl who was shorter than any of the three v-u-den members. When the translator told them she was 21, Charmy looked a bit shocked. Haha, that's because the winner was like older than any one of them there :D
I really loved the performance and Charmy looked a little more tanned than usual. Maybe it's because of the summer? Haha, they did a really good performance and no one was out of tune! The sound effects and dances were damn good! One scary thing was that there were 2 Japanese fanboys who flew from JAPAN to come and support them! Wa lau,fanatic sia! However, I swear that the 3 of them looked a bit scared when Sharon Au told them where the 2 fanboys came from.
Anyway, below are the photos my sister took secretly during the concert. All blurred but still can see outline. I dont know how she managed to take the photos with sooo many JAL people seated around us.

Next are photos by Miki of v-u-den arriving at the airport! Lucky lucky Miki! I'm so jealous! Charmy looks so pretty with and without make-up on! My sister agrees that Charmy has really superb complexion!

Midst of Prelims
Let me do a quick recount.
Maths on Tuesday sucked. It's a confirm fail. Bus Driver kept 'coughing' when he walked past my table. Yay, my answers are wrong!
Wednesday was good. Econs paper. None of my business.
Thursday was Chemistry 3. Sucked totally. I forgot how to do NMR...can you believe it?! Anyway, found out today that Wong Tze Yang's the chief examiner, not Lim Jen See.
Today was HCl 1 and 2. 1 was fair and 2 was bad. I cant believe this man, I shouldnt have studied at all. All the content of the notes we studied could not be put to use in paper 2 today. Plus, I forgot how to write some guy's name and left it blank. Mr Sim is so going to go 'huh' when he mark my papers. Answers were basically crap. Wrote around 10 pages for paper 1 and 19 pages for paper 2. My hand's pronounced dead from this moment onwards...ok...I'm still able to type, not that bad I guess.
Of all people to walk past when my transition lenses were changing colour, I had to walk pass David Loh. Eileen, hy and me were walking back from the sports complex when we passed by Oldham Wing and sway sway David Loh appeared with that Bryan Chua-lookalike Biology teacher. We were climbing up the stairs when they came down from the staff room. Why does David Loh got to have such good eyesight??! We were like one whole flight of stairs away from him and he could still see my lenses. I knew nothing good was going to happen because he stood there and waited for us.
David Loh : Very sunny meh? Need sunglasses...I dont even dare to wear you dare to wear?(luckily not in a menacing tone)
Eileen : Sir, it's not sunglasses, it's transition lenses. High tech lei.
Thanks man! I wouldnt have known how to answer that idiotic statement.
So after when we reached the void deck, he made me stand in the shade and wanted to wait for the lens to change back to their original the period span of 1s. WTF? Which lenses change so fucking fast one? So I told him they have to take 5 mins to change back then only he left us alone. Fuck. Like it's any of his business what lenses I use...
Start of Prelims
Prelims started today! This feels so weird, I feel like I'm so old already. Anyway, out of all my exam experiences in AC, today's one has got to be the funniest one. For starters, we were told only today that our index number for prelims would be the A Level one instead of the one we have been using since last year. Yup, so most people did not know their number and therefore the entering of the examination hall took a painfully long time.
Upon entering the examination hall, my class soon realised that Lim Jen See was the chief examiner. How lucky! We took four papers today and so she repeated the examination rules 4 times! Haha, I would die if I had to keep saying the same paragraph over and over. Next up was the checking of ID and entry proof and for my row, the teacher doing so was Mr Patrick Sum. When he reached Andrew, he started scolding him because Andrew's picture on his ID was covered with Ferrero Rochre Fererro Rocchre some chocolate brand stickers.
Pat Sum: How do I know this is you? Supposedly Mr Andrew Chia?
Andrew: ...
Pat Sum: You didnt even bring your entry proof! And this card is from ACS. This is ACJC!
WTF? I thought as long as can prove your identity, who cares where it's from?
Pat Sum: Bring your passport and entry proof tommorrow!(throws the card back at Andrew)
That was GP Paper 1. For GP Paper 2, another woman checked Andrew's card and this time she was so evil as to hand the card over to Jen See. After the paper, Jen See called Andrew up to collect his card and asked where on earth does he look like that chocolate brand and made him stand on stage to peel off the stickers.
During Physics Paper 1, Andrew was about to sit down in his seat when he got hurried by Mr Lee Thien Hoe. Haha, every paper also get scolded! For some reason or another, Jen See made my row stay back for area cleaning... WTF? Who the hell was talking? And why would there be anything to clean up after a MCQ paper?! If it were GP, I would have had understood because people might crush papers up and throw them all over but MCQ??!
Physics Paper 2 was even funnier because Lim Oon Hua was there. She made 2 guys stand up because they were talking. However, one guy continued to talk and she went:
Lim Oon Hua: You, come in front. Go stand at the door there and talk to the door!
OMG! That was really funny considering that everyone in the radius of 10km could hear her clearly...Since many people didnt know their index numbers, the collection of GP papers took a long time. However, after 3 papers, you would think that people would have had learnt their lessons. Apparently, one did not. So Mr Lee Thien Hoe went, 'This is your 3rd paper and you still can write your index number wrongly.' After he said that, one of the female teachers said to him,'4th paper la.' Haha, she had to say through the mike! I loved the examination atmosphere today!....although the papers all sucked.
Sidetrack: Watched Battle Shinhwa on Arirang TV just now. Yayaya, I know this is like a damn old show but whatever la. So when Hyesung came on TV, I was like staring intently at the TV when my mum commented that he looked like a woman, not man at all. Wa can say Hyesung like that? So I replied, 'A bit girly nice what...' Guess what she replied? 'Man should look like a man...' WTF? How the hell is a man man supposed to look like? Anyway, I think my mum would seriously be freaked out by the time I bring my boyfriend(if I ever get one that is...where's Hyesung prime??!) home because 9 out of 10 chances he'll look like a girl...wahaha!!
Hyesung Repackage
I want this. Anyone wants to sponser? Hyesung's 'O Wol Ji Ryeon' special edition. Hello, why always have repackage one? Make me buy twice everytime...
Yet Another Random Post
I hate public toilets! Today I went to use the toilet in the library and felt really disgusted. The very first cubicle was previously used by someone who could not even flush after doing her business, and it was not a small one. Moving on to the second cubicle, someone left her newspaper in the toilet after usage. However, her newspaper was sandwiched between the toilet cover and seat. WTF? Who places their newspaper like that? It made me wonder what the contents were in the toilet bowl that made the person do so. Hmmn, I really pity the cleaner who has to remove the newspaper later. The third cubicle was slightly better, as in there were no left-over contents in the toilet bowl. However, the floor was filled with black footprints. If it had been raining, I would understand why there were footprints, but today was a bright and sunny day! So...where did the water come from?
On my way home in the MRT, a China lady who was showing off her rather populated midriff to the whole world decided to ask for directions. Of all the Chinese-speaking she could have had asked, she chose to ask an Indian guy who obviously did not know Chinese. Failing to get an answer from him, she proceeded to ask the foreigner(ang-moh) guy next to him...She chose to ask the Indian guy, the ang-moh guy but just refused to ask me, who at least looks more Chinese then them. She then started blaming the two poor guys who could not give her a satisfactory answer, rather loudly in Chinese...Wa lau, it was like her own fault that she picked two obviously non-Chinese people to answer her question posed in Chinese.
After alighting at my stop, I met my sister and went with her to KFC to buy food. Usually the people serving in fast-food restaurants are old folks, however, today the people serving were a bunch of young guys. Considering the guy who served us was rather new(judging from his age), he wasn't really clear about the prices of this 3-pc chicken offer so he went to ask the manager but she wasnt there so he asked the guy next to him instead.
Barry(the guy serving us): Eh, how much is this ar?
Johnathan(obviously who): (answered some price)
Barry: For how many pieces?
Johnathan: Two.
Barry: (checked the paper again)It's 3 pieces chicken nugget...
Hahaha, that was like so freaking funny and I couldn't stop laughing till my face turned as red as Guan Gong's. I mean, why even bother to ask in the first place when the dumb price list's placed in front of him. And, why is the guy called chicken nugget? Haha. He's too cute to be called chicken nugget anyway...:D
Next, the drink he gave us was very diluted and my sister required a change. And, horrors of horrors, he just poured away the liquid in the cup right into the sink and refilled the cup! So unhygenic!!
School Videos
School was quite boring today, considering that many people did not come again today. However, we found ways to amuse ourselves...that is, by taking videos! I tried taking a video of Kym but camera-shy Kym kept running away from it, quite funny actually. Besides that, I also took a video of my great leader, Ping Hwei! Haha, Ping Hwei was so funny in GP today, he kept making these weird noises!! Kym took a video of Bjorn carrying a hot pink umbrella, OMG, that video was really priceless! Bjorn never looked so girly before! All videos mentioned are downloadable, except the Bjorn and Ping Hwei ones. Haha, those are actually the best videos of all!
Kym avoiding the camera
Description: No matter how hard I tried, Kym just refused to let me take a video of her...even though she took so many of us before!
Length: 00:23s
Format: Viewable on Windows Media Player
Download: Right click-Save Target AsPhoto Blooper
Description: Li Ming and I thought that Kym was taking photos, turned out she was taking a video.
Length: 00:04s
Format: Viewable on Quicktime Player
Download: Right click-Save Target AsSarang Hae
Description: Video where Li Ming and I said weird things like confessions for people we like! Haha.
Length: 00:50s
Format: Viewable on Quicktime Player
Download: Right click-Save Target AsVideos aside, below are the weird photos taken from walls and tables of Room A4.7. Hmmn, I wonder why people like to vandalise them so much? I think this classroom has the best vandalised facilities!

Looks like a mush of brains to me.

We should hire more sexier teachers to catch the attention of students, so that they wont have to resort to drawing their fantasies out.

With a face and set of teeth like that, are you sure Cupid's arrow on its own would be enough?
Last session of Body Combat sad!(Sorry, this line is soooo random.)
School stuff aside, I went shopping today! First make transition lens at Sunny Optics. The salesman showed me two brands of lens. One, Transition($180) and the other one, Sunmatics($120). However, no deal was made as the salesman was being very bitchy.(Wait, bitch refers to females...the salesman's a guy...what word should I use instead? Doggie?)
Me: Why is Sunmatics so cheap? Sell like $60 cheaper sure got reason right?
Salesman: Aiya, just like Rolex, the authentic one is more expensive and the fake one is cheap lar!
WTF? Are you telling me Sunmatics' fake when you just said that it's better than Transition?
Father: Eh, Capitol Optic is selling cheaper for Transition. At $160 only.
Salesman: Aiyo, some stores they sell cheaper but then when affixing the lens that time, they might just substitute with a cheaper brand lei...
Father: Are you bad-mouthing your rival?
Salesman: No la, not bad-mouthing that, just stating a possibility.
Father: I cant accept your explanation. When you raised your so-called suspicions, it means that you might have had thought of doing it before. We're not going to buy from here.
Great! I love my father sooo much! I seriously think I inherited my love for arguing with salespeople from him, but we don't argue mindlessly, we argue with reasons. Anyway, so I went to Capitol Optic to make my lens and the people there were a bunch of nice souls, nicer than Sunny Optics!
The Super IQ Test
Took this test Tommie told me to and here are my results. Dont really believe them can it be that I'm so clever? Hahaha. Try it yourself here.
The Super IQ Test
How Smart Are You Really?
Jiahui, your Super IQ score is 125
Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's only part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We also determined the way you process information.
The way you think about things makes you a Concrete Thinker. This means your intelligence is grounded in a clear understanding of what is happening around you. In situations where others are confused, things are crystal clear to you. In addition, you have the unusual combination of strong verbal and numerical skills. You are able to solve equations and then use your verbal skills to explain those solutions to others.
How did we determine that your thinking style is that of a Concrete Thinker? When we examined your test results further, we analyzed how you scored on 8 dimensions of intelligence: spatial, organizational, abstract reasoning, logical, mechanical, verbal, visual and numerical. The 3 dimensions you scored highest on combine to make you a Concrete Thinker. Only 6 out of 1,000 people have this rare combination of abilities.
All those in bold sounds fake...haha.
Fun-O-Rama xviii
Just as I thought that I'll never see it ever again, today, Kelvyna Chan made an announcement about Fun-O-Rama xviii! Guess what? J2s are still required to play their part by selling tickets! However, next year's Fun-O-Rama's sponsers seriosly rock! We have Biotherm, Guess?, Hush Puppies, Long John Silver, Optic Point and so on. OMG, this is like the best shopping place for tai-tais(and I'm so not refering to myself here)! In addition to it, this year's tickets come with discount coupons on them! Hmmn, maybe I should just tear out all the coupons and just sell the tickets like that...hmmn, worth considering. With the purchase of one sheet of tickets worth $10, you'll get a Long John Silver meal coupon free! This is like soooooo worth it and I'm so going to attend Fun-O-Rama next year! I feel so sorry for those guys who would be stuck in NS when this is held. Wahaha!! Anyway, Fun-O-Rama xviii's on 18th Feb 2005. Interested parties can buy tickets from me! Just email me at! Okay lar, I swear I wont tear your coupon out if you buy $10 worth from me...but I seriously dont mind if you would offer to give it to me :D
Mr Paul Chong and some Lit teacher were the lift attendants for the lift I was taking today and I stood right in between them. As the lift proceeded up from the first floor to the second, the lift door started to open. Since students can only use the lifts at the first or fifth floor, the person coming in now must surely be a teacher...
Lit Teacher: (to Paul Chong)Eh, who do you think it is?
Paul Chong: What's your guess?
Lit Teacher: Maybe Ms Loke? (who is my Physics lecturer who looks quite auntie-ish.)
Both laugh together.
Paul Chong: If it's her, close the lift door.
More laughter from the both of them.
So evil! I really wanted to laugh because it was so freaking funny but thought that it was quite inappropriate to do so. Sadly, in came Mdm TCC and so I didnt get to see the teachers closing the doors on Ms Loke...
Actually I've got lots of things to write today but considering that the people I want to write about actually read my blog, I guess I better dont, in case they take revenge on me, especially those petty ones. And if you know who you are, just note that you really disgust me with your bitchy ways and I really think that you should just piss off to make the world a better one.
Random Bits
As the title says, this post is seriously very random...
I've found a new hobby recently. And that's shopping for...stationery! I keep buying stationery of late, even if I do not need to use them. Then again, you cant really blame me for falling in love with this:

Lecture attendance in school has been quite poor considering that most people are already hibernating at home to mug for the prelims. This was how the Physics lecture group looked like, even though it was Mdm Lim Oon Hua teaching...

New sign at Oldham Wing. Found it really interesting as this was the staircase that Mark Lee told me to throw the volleyball behind.(Note: Archives 01 Apr 2005)

Had GP lesson today and for like 99% of the lesson, I was either talking to Ping Hwei, Eileen or Li Ming. Thus when Ms Too asked me to answer a question, obviously I could not provide her with a satisfactory reply. So after class when I was walking towards the lift...
Ms Too: Don't get too distracted.
I was stunned as before that I was gushing about Hyesung's picture, so I thought she wanted me not to be distracted by him, which is quite out of point.
Me: Har?
Ms Too: You don't understand what I said?
Me: Umn, I didnt really catch what you were saying.
Anytime one cant answer a question, the best way is to blame it on the surroundings :D
Ms Too: Dont get too distracted by your neighbours.
Then she realised that Li Ming who sat on my left during lesson was looking a little puzzled and she proceeded to say, "Sorry, I did not mean you. I meant the other neighbour." Haha, she was refering to Ping HWei who was seated on my right-hand side! Imagine me getting distracted by Ping Hwei, of all people! I found it quite hilarious. Then again, it was not too difficult getting distracted by Ping Hwei today because he received a letter regarding some GEP thing.
Me: Ping Hwei! You're a GEP-er?
Ping Hwei: No la, I wasn't lei...
After finishing the letter, he realised that it was not becuase he was a GEP-er that he got the letter. Instead, it was precisely that he wasnt one that he received it. Turns out that they wanted to compare students who are and are not in GEP to show how effective this programme is. Poor Ping Hwei! He kept saying that he was stupid after he realised it! This is so evil, I mean, how could they do something like this?!

Anyway, today Eileen told me that her friend was searching for my blog. I dont even know that for my blog for what? This is scary man...Maybe I should follow Jun Zhong in keeping my blog a secret...Imagine if a teacher stumbles upon this site...
Fricking Pissed
I am so fricking pissed my classmate, A. Apparently he went to tell my friend, B, something that resulted in B avoiding him currently. Therefore, now A's trying to salvage this friendship by asking for advice about how to go about doing it.
Last Friday, A came over to C's(another of my friend) table and starting talking about this matter. I felt rather strange as A doesnt usually talk to us normally, let alone talk about his troubles. Anyway, we still listened. In the middle of the conversation, when we reached the topic of B avoiding him, he started to be rather agitated and his hands were gripping the table. Plus, his tone started to change and his face darkened. He started going on about him not knowing the reason as to why B's avoiding him, and his tone wasnt really friendly to us, considering that we were only listening and not the person who agitated him. Who on earth said that you can anyhow show your temper in front of us, who aren't even your really good friends and that we did not even do anything to you?! In addition to that, why the hell is A talking to us only after something happened between him and B?
Today, for some reason or another, A came over and talked to me in a very suppressed tone, as if any moment he would flare up or something. 'Stop bitching okay. I just want to get the photos and nothing else.' Then A left. WTF? All I was doing there was to ask Tommie how to do a Physics questions and where the fuck does bitching come in? And who told A that he had the right to just scold me like that? Whatever happened between him and B is seriously none of my business, just that B's my friend only. I dont see why he's talking to us, B's friends, all of a sudden, after he was being such an asshole...Plus, he called me childish last Friday. Who died and gave him the right to call me childish? Fuck.