Start of 'A' Levels
The start of the 'A' Levels.
Chinese Paper 1 so-so. First time I wrote so much for composition. Damn happy. Ci Yu was surprisingly fine too. Duan Ping sucked. Yu Yi was great...I think. Comprehension...I hope I'm lucky.
Chinese Paper 2 totally sucked! Wa lau eh, damn freaking difficult! Wrote like shit for most of the questions. Frankly, quite disappointed but no point moping over it.(I'll still mope over it anyway.) Feel that I'll certaintly disappoint Mr Sim. Very very sorry!
Had a 'great' time poking holes and threading up my answer booklets. MOE should at least give us answer booklets with holes, or provide punchers. My fingers are quite black from poking holes. Not to mention they hurt too!
Aside from the shitty Chinese paper, I felt very touched when I received the following SMSes yesterday. :D
20:44:24 - Michelle : Hey girls! Good luck for Chinese tomorrow! Stay calm k, and write well...! Just relax!
22:28:57 - Joanna : Hi all! Joanna here, all the best for tmr! I'm sure u ll all do great! :)
22:28:59 - Nicolle : Hello. All the best for your chinese paper tmr!
22:30:41 - Weiling : Hello...All e best for tml's paper! Jia you! Write faster and stay calm!
22:31:23 - Lan : Hey, gd luck to ur exam, sure u'll do well mama, i have trust in u
22:33:51 - Tommie : Hey guys...Good luck for your paper tmr. All best. Look forward at what's ahead of you and dont look back. Stay focused. DONT PANIC. God Bless.
22:34:58 - Bjorn : Hey jiahui! Tmr's d-day huh. All the best! No fret! Haha. Just whack man...:)
22:37:01 - Ray : Hey. All the best for your Chinese paper tmr.
22:38:50 - Wee Keat : All the best...!
23:31:18 - Li Ming : Chingu ah! nae-il fighting! jal-hae! I'm sure you'll do great:) Hope you get this in time!
23:41:50 - Andrew : Jiayou! All e best angels!
07:11:38 - Ying Qian : All the best for chinese.
If you realised, the times I received the messages were all rather close to each other. That's because Tommie sent a message to all off them to tell them about us having Chinese today. So sweet of Tommie to do so and thanks to everyone who sent me messages :D I really appreciated it!
Katie Leung a.k.a Cho Chang
Katie Leung's Cho Chang(as if you dont know it). Seriously, she's not that pretty as compared to Emma Watson. Then again, I dont think Emma Watson's pretty but that's not the point. Anyway, what I want to say is that why does Katie Leung have to style her hair like as if she cant make up her mind what hair colour she wants?! It's really fugly. I rather see her with jet black hair. By the way, is the girl on the right Fleur? She looks pretty. In that picture.
Title Nashi
The 'holidays' has been damn boring for me. I know I'm supposed to be studying during this period of time but I'm just too lazy to do so. Hope that a miracle would happen again. I realised that as I grow older, I grow lazier too. When I was in Primary 1, I used to mug like mad for all the tests we had. Then somehow, that mugging character started to disappear in Primary 5 and 6. Maybe it's because I didnt really like my form teacher.(Yup, that's bullshit.) Then came Secondary 1 when that mugging me returned. However, it slowly succumbed to copying -- an easier way out. Alas, the person seated next to me was even lazier than me(that's why we are good friends, I think.), therefore we devised this 'each study half' plan to cheat. Our cheating methods included zipping of pencil cases, knocking of tables, kicking of represent 'yes', 'no' and 'I also dont know how to do.' When I got promoted to Secondary 3, I got a little more hardworking and I pratically did and handed in all my assignments on time, however, that did not apply for Secondary 4. I didnt really hand in my homework...but the teachers still had this good impression of me. Hahaha. I remember that there was once I handed in my Social Studies assignment a total of two weeks late, only to find out that the teacher havent even taken out the papers that were stuffed into his pigeon hole two weeks earlier. But, that's not the point. As I was saying, I've become so freaking lazy!!! Noooo...why?! Do I have some disease or something?!
Ok lar, I admit I was damn bored therefore the above paragraph. So, here's photos of Mr Sim's office table taken by hy.

Cute writings on the wrapper of this sweet. There's 'Yahho', 'Nakayoshi', 'Ii Koi wo shite(or something like that)' and etc. Damn cute!

Guess what this is? It's the cover of a sweet container. So freaking cute!! I wanted to take the cover home but Mr Sim said no...damn! The duck looks so happy, despite the lack of eyes.

Besides files and papers, Mr Sim has damn lots of FOOD on his table! Like Campbell soup, coconut shreds, chocolates, sweets...blah blah blah.
There was this 'Mr Slim' toilet roll in his office, artwork by Sherman. Should have had taken a photo of it. Quite funny.
Anyway, while waiting for my mum to come and pick me up from school, this car drove into school. Yup, many cars drive into school everyday. Not much of a surprise...but this car is freaking fat and long. It attracted damn a lot of stares when it drove into the concourse. Rich people...

MKNet Awards Ceremony
People get recognition when they excel in whatever they do and they normally come in the form of awards. Most of the awards I've seen are those like 'Top 10% in Level', 'Good Progress', 'Best Sportsmen' etc, i.e., those that have positive connotations. Two words : SO BORING! Therefore, I decided to give out awards that have the negative connotations, to make life a little more interesting. :D
The Rudest Driver Award
General Comment : When people think of rude drivers, they usually have this image of a male driver cussing and brandishing his middle finger. However, time has changed. Female drivers do that too. Plus, it's not necessarily those uneducated uncouth female drivers who do so. It's those freaking highly educated working women who have the tendency to be rude.
Winner : Owner of SFG 4215M
Why the above mentioned person deserved to win. : Last week my father was driving in the middle of this wide stretch of road. The road was pretty empty. Actually, there were no other cars beside us at all, totally empty. Then came the winner who fucking pressed the horn of her car to indicate to my father to hurry up. Fuck! First of all, the road is empty, why do you have to travel right behind us? Secondly, my father was already driving at the fastest speed allowed on that road. Of course my father refused to budge, I mean, why should we? Then, the winner sped up next to us.(if she could have had travelled next to us, why didnt she fucking do so in the first place?) Through the car window, we could see her crimson-red lips moving furiously, obviously scolding us. Wait, I think we could actually hear her even though we were separated by 2 car windows. She then sped up ahead.
My father then caught up with her. At that time, she had already winded down her window and started to fling her arm all about while scolding us like it's our fault. The winner was dressed in a grey suit-like attire and her make-up was immaculate, or should I say damn heavy. At first I thought that she was rather young but when she started scolding us, her wrinkles all popped out. Wait, I'm sidetracking already. Anyway, she was driving this branded car and she looked very business-like(because of her earphones stuck in her ear). Fuck. So what if you drive a branded car and hold a high position, that doesnt give you the right to be rude you shithead. The road doesnt belong to your grandfather so fuck off if you think that you have the right to scold people when they did not disobey the rules. I hope you speed too much and get knocked down one day. Losing your job might be a nice second option.
The Lousiest Salesperson Award
General Comment : As a salesperson, I expect him/her to give in to the whims and fancy of the customer. Afterall, the customer is always right. Ok, maybe that's a little too difficult. However, I do expect the salesperson to do their job to help the customer if it's within their means.
Winner : Salesman called Ben working at IMM Laser Flair
Why the above mentioned person deserved to win. : I went VCD shopping at IMM when I could not find the VCD I wanted in the store so I enlisted the help of the saleswoman to help me. After looking for 10 minutes, she could not locate the VCD I wanted so she checked the store records and told me that CCK Laser Flair had it. She then later told me that it was in Lot 1, B1-07. I went to Lot 1 last week and saw that B1-07 where Laser Flair used to be has already closed down so I said there's no Laser Flair there at the stated venue. She then laughed and said "Where got shop can disappear like that one."
Note: It wasnt a question. It was a mocking statement, like as if I were a stupid girl like that.
Not to be defeated by that lousy saleswoman who could not even speak proper Chinese, I said that I live near CCK and I frequent IMM so I know that there's no Laser Flair anymore. Well, she didnt believe me of course. It wasnt until the winner, Ben, told her that Laser Flair moved to the 3rd storey that she realised her mistake. Of course, no 'Sorry I gave you the wrong address.' Can you imagine if I really went to B1-07? Fuck her knowlege of her own franchises.
So, this Ben guy helped me call CCK to ask them about the VCD I wanted. Upon hearing that they still have the VCD in the store, he asked me to leave my contact number down. Why leave my contact no. if I'm going personally to collect it myself? It's not like they're going to bring it over to this chain. Plus, they did not even tell me the details, like the price, so how am I going to decide if I really wanted the VCD? Therefore, I asked Ben, who was still connected to CCK over the phone, to help me ask the price and the contents of the VCD. He then told me that if I wanted to know, I can just go over to CCK since I stay near CCK because it would be so much clearer if I looked at the VCD box. GO FUCK YOURSELF LAH! If I live near CCK and come to IMM to shop, obviously I've got something to do at IMM right?! I didnt just go there to buy VCDs ok. Plus, will it kill him to tell me the details by asking the guy on the phone?! I'm the customer and I have the right to know what I'm buying before I go over there to do so. So anyway, he continued to ask me for my name and contact no.. Like I'm going to do that after your lousy service. So I just stared at him with that fuck-off-you-loser look and went to browse through other VCDs.
When I proceeded to make my payment, Ben was chatting on the phone, obviously with his friend as he was laughing while doing so and since he talked so loudly, I could hear that the content was not work-related. WTF? Help your customer ask a few questions cannot but talk to you friend and skive during working hours can...fuck off la! Plus, that Ben lifted up his shirt to show his scrawny body to facilitate scratching in the shop. Wa lau eh, which salesman, or any human, openly lift up their shirts to scratch themselves? EYESORE! LOUSY SERVICE!
Yup, that's the end of the MKNet Awards Ceremony 2005. Only 2 awards given out but that's quite enough for today. I might add somemore in the future. Watch this space. :D
Baccalaureate Service 2005
We had the Baccalaureate Service yesterday. Well, as expected, it was freaking boring except for Paul Lock's speech which was really hilarious. The only fun parts were one, when the teachers sang a song for us, and two, the end of the service. My form teacher didnt know the lyrics to the song so she basically just sang the parts she knew, which were minimal. During the song, 2SB4 gave their form teacher an almost-like-bouquet-but-not-so-bouquet(meaning not that big) of flowers. That was really sweet of them. Our class only gave our form teacher a bear hug. I recorded a really lousy and short clip of Mdm Lim singing, so yup, download if you want to.
Mdm Singing
Description: Mdm Lim Jen See singing and a little bit of Mdm Lim Oon Hua in the last part.
Length: 00:36s
Format: Viewable on Windows Media Player
Password: Abbreviation of Fun-O-Rama.
Download: Right click-Save Target AsSeriously, it was kind of sad that it was the last day of our formal education(copied Paul Lock), even Mdm/Mrs(?) Chia Su Fern cried while delivering her speech. However, what was good about it was that many unhappy incidents that happened over the past 2 years were forgotten and friendships were re-forged. Ok, I sound rather sappy here but whatever la. Anyway, after the service, we proceeded to take lots of photos and some really dumb videos. It was a really fun session.
For photos:
Baccalaureate Service PhotosLast Day of SchoolFor videos:
3 Bears in Korean
Description: Bjorn, Li Ming and me singing 3 Bears in Korean
Length: 00:38s
Format: Viewable on Windows Media Player
Password: Abbreviation of Fun-O-Rama.
Download: Right click-Save Target As3 Bears (American Version)
Description: Kym and me singing the American version of the 3 bears song. Basically it's just a blooper video.
Length: 00:28s
Format: Viewable on Windows Media Player
Password: Abbreviation of Fun-O-Rama.
Download: Right click-Save Target AsWe also received our report cards yesterday and the class rep and subject reps all received a nice thank-you card from Mdm Lim Jen See. Tommie also gave each of us a hand-written card. So sweet of him!

During the reception, while everyone was continuning to take photos or busily stuffing their faces with cakes, I went to take a photo of my favourite toilet in school. The Oldham wing toilet! The toilet there is really cool as the toilet bowl is elevated off the ground. Makes one feel tall...Ok, I'm talking shit here.

After taking photos, eating(reception) and talking, our class left for Orchard Cineleisure to watch The 40-year-old Virgin. To tell the truth, that's like the lousiest show I've ever watch. Unless you're really into nudity and sex, the show really sucked(no pun intended). The show was rather long and draggy and I dont understand what's the significance of the Andy guy singing some 'Aquaris, Venus, Jupiter' song after he finally lost his virginity at the end of the show. One word, idiotic. I way prefered Corpse Bride which was rather touching at the end(I cried) and the music was damn good, though the show was only 1 hour and 15 min short.
After the show, everyone basically just parted and Kym, Nic and I went to this cafe to eat...

FONDUE~! It was seriously freaking goooood!

The ice-cream filled strawberry was really heavenly when dipped into that Swiss chocolate or something. Freaking worth the money!!!
There were lots of fondue chocolate left even after we finished the marshmallows, strawberries, blah blah blah. Therefore, Kym and Nic decided to ...DRINK THE LEFTOVER CHOCOLATE!! OMG, sick! That's like drinking concentrated chocolate!
Chocolate Drinking

Description: Kym and Nic drinking the fondue chocolate.
Length: 01:43s
Format: Viewable on Windows Media Player
Password: Abbreviation of Fun-O-Rama.
Download: Right click-Save Target AsIn the midst of eating, or rather, drinking, Kym realised that she left her waterbottle in the cinema and had to go and find it. Blur queen! The last time we went to Cine, she dropped her wallet. Yesterday, she dropped her wallet again but realised it in time but left her waterbottle behind instead. Plus, she later dropped her spectacle cloth. The waterbottle got thrown away by the cleaners in the end. However, when Kym went to make a report with lost-and-found, the guy there asked her how to spell 'ORANGE'! OMG, I couldnt stop laughing when he asked that. He sounded so much like Mean Girls' Karen.
Anyway, the staff, instead of telling us that the cleaners threw away the bottle, they made us wait for the current movie to finish screening before they allowed us to enter the theatre to search for something that wasnt there already...Fuck. So, while waiting, the 3 of us just plopped ourselves on the 6th Level couches, totally ignoring the prescene of the 2 smooching couples there who were so involved in each other. We then took photos with the Harry Potter cutouts. The people there were quite wtfed I think becuase we made lots of noise and talked a lot of crap.
At CineThis post is getting far too long so I guess I'll end here with a photo of a cool car from Cine. HAPPY GRADUATION ACSIANS!

Tommie messaged everyone yesterday to tell them that today's a very important day and that everyone must attend school. Those clever ones who straight away understood what Tommie meant brought cameras. Those blur-blur-what's-going-on ones on the other hand did not. I belonged to the latter. Damn! I forgot that today's the last day of school and so there would be this farewell photoshoot. In fact, I was so blur that I was still wondering why the hell there were so many freaking flashes in the morning today. It didnt dawn on me that people were taking farewell photos till the first period of the day, when Bjorn and Ray told me. Why couldnt they tell me earlier so that I could have had brought my camera...!
We first took a class photo with our Chemistry teacher Wong Tze Yang. We had to pose for 6 freaking cameras and I really thought that my face was going to freeze in that 'konica' expression forever. At the end of the shoot, the guys wanted to tau-pok Wong Tze Yang but he declined saying that he was skinny enough. WTF? Getting tau-poked can lose weight one meh?
The next photoshoot took place after GP with Ms Too Suat Ling. We had to smile for 6 cameras again. This time we took so freaking long that the whole of 2AA1 waited outside the classroom for us for like 10min. As expected, their teacher gave us this 'siam la, you barbarians are wasting my precious time ok' look. Barbarians because Tommie basically kicked away all the chairs at the back of the classroom so that they wouldnt block us, plus, we didnt really rearrange them back later.
Today's Physics lesson was my, and everyone else's, favourite one out of the two years of Physics classes in JC. Reason being, we did not do any Physics-related thing today at all :D Mdm Lim Jen See was on her phone when we pulled Mdm Sophia Ng into our classroom to take photos with her. Our photographer was none other than Ms Too. Haha, three teachers in the same classroom at one time! After Mdm Sophia Ng left, Mdm Lim Jen See allowed us to take photos for the rest of the lesson. Actually we didnt really get her permission la, I just made that up. So, yup, laughter and flashes(from the cameras) filled the room. Damn...I didnt bring my camera so no pictures now till I get them from all those who brought cameras. Then again, I just found out that my photoshop has just experienced death. Damn again.
During Maths lesson, as you might have guessed, we didnt do anything again but take photos. Tommie, Bjorn, Ray, Wee Yang were trying to take some suggestive photos in class by themselves and that was seriously very weird. Innocent Kym didnt get why Nicolle and I were laughing and eew-ing our heads off. More weird photos followed before Wee Yang had his family photo taken. Ping Hwei was seriously hilarious because he went to tuck his shirt all the way in and buttoned up every single button on his uniform. Very toot. After that, we even took a photo with Mr Tan Kian Heng! That's like so rare because he always avoids the camera. Then again, maybe it's due to Wee Keat always taking his photos in class that Mr Tan developed a phobia or something.
At the end of everything, the guys made Ray give a speech and proceeded to tau-pok him after he finished. However, it looked more like stripping than tau-poking. Ray tried to reason with the guys as to why they shouldnt do that but to no avail, he still got stripped and photographed in the end. While he was buttoning up his shirt, Eileen's friend entered the classroom and then she saw Ray. Following that, she ran out of the classroom screaming. Haha. Next, Ping Hwei got stripped too. Righteous Ray joined in too even though 5 minutes before, he was trying to dissuade the guys from stripping him. Ping Hwei kept screaming 'Noo-noo' throughout his 'ordeal'...haha, he sounded as if he was getting raped of something. While the guys were having fun in the front of the classroom, all the girls were trying to save their eyes by looking somewhere else :D
Received the class photo today. As photoshop is dead for now, all I can put up here is this very grainy picture that originated from a lousy quality video...

It spells Sb3 by the way.
Tomorrow's Baccalaureate Service...and I must remember to bring my camera man!!!
Yet Another Random Post
Marking of A Level Art took place on Monday. Seriously, I've never seen ACJC so well-decorated before, even during Fun-O-Rama. The art pieces this year were really cool and well, pretty. The examiners must be blind if there's no 'A' standard artpiece there. Although I hate to admit this, Andrew's artpiece's really wonderful, nothing like the artist though. I kind of like it alot, but not as much as the one next to his(the window teashop or something like that artpiece). Haha. Anyway, here's a link to the picture of Andrew's work of art. No thumbnail available as I was too lazy to run Photoshop.

On Monday, I told Li Ming that it was Luo Kun's birthday that day, well, jokingly. Why would I remember the birthday of someone I rarely never talk to? However, she thought that it was for real and went to tell Tommie that. So, Tommie sent Luo Kun a SMS...
Tommie's message: Hey man, happy birthday.
Luo Kun's message: Thanks. But today's not my birthday. My birthday's in February.
OMG, I feel so bad(like real) about this!
Yesterday, half of my class went into the wrong classroom for GP lesson. Thought that it was rather hilarious for like 10 people to go into the wrong class together, thinking that it's the right classroom.
Other than that, school has been really boring. Thus, Li Ming and I have been reduced to drawing portraits of the lecturers teaching us while attending their lectures. Miss Too saw one of those pictures and started to laugh. Yup, that's how bad our drawing skills are. I should be quite a good artist, considering that Andrew takes 'A' Level Art. Either that or Andrew took away all my art genes. Just like Qin Zhen who stole all my tall genes, according to Sherman Yang. I'm like a whole 40cm shorter than Qin Zhen...damn, I'm so freaking short.