Bitching about work
Work's becoming a little more fun with all the bitching going on :D
A few days ago, some guy came to our centre to complain about a staff who was rude to his son over the phone. As I was having clinc sessions, Huixin was left to handle that guy all by herself. Shirley once said that if we are unable to handle a customer, we can always get help from our OIC. Since Jerelynn wasnt around at that time, Huixin then phoned Eileen to ask for help. However, Eileen refused to help and only vehemently said that she wasnt the one who phoned the guy. Thanks lor...for not lending a hand. Only after the guy left then did Eileen come over. Not to help us but to reprimand us. She said that either one of us must have had called the guy. WTF?! I was in charge of phoning Science latepayers, not English lor. Fuck.
Then today, she kept asking us to go down and buy food when we were like fucking busy doing clincs and printing materials. I dont mind buying food but can wait till I'm free? Plus, we're not stupid...we can remember simple things like 'Go buy food.' Dont have to repeat it like no one's business.
While doing closing today, this guy outside the centre asked me this very weird question.
Guy : I want to sign up for this class. Do I need to show you any documents or something?
Me : (A bit blur, thought he wanted to apply to be a teacher.) Har? You want to join this class?
Guy : Yes. Do I need to show you any documents or something?
Me : need la, you just need to show us the money.
Ok, I dont know why the fuck I said that but I thought it was damn funny...Ok, maybe not so. Then again, why would anyone need to produce documents to sign up for tuition? Weird...haha.
Huixin got to re-do some of the reference stuff tomorrow...she's quite suay. The person who did the reference stuff before her uploaded the wrong template so now she has got to make lots of changes...Guess tomorrow I've to man the counter by myself so that she can complete her work. :D
Late-Christmas-early-New-Year present-
Wanted to do another issue of 'Searching for my blog' but I realised that for this month, there are like a freaking total of 530 keyphrases so heck la, I dont want to go blind doing it. Somehow or rather, my number of unique visitors, hits, total bandwidth increased by 3 times of last month's. WTF? I dont even remember uploading interesting stuff like porn. Ok, scrap that. I dont even remember uploading large files to my server so as to account for the crazy increase in bandwidth. Then again, the funny thing is that, my site didnt not crash at all this month, as compared to last month.
Ok, crap aside, let me get to the main point of this post. I just received 2 'My Name is Kim Sam Soon' OSTs in the mail today and one of them had a MV yup, I uploaded the MV, therefore enjoy! The MV's different from the one I downloaded...but who cares? More Hyun Bin! Just treat this as a late-Christmas-early-New-Year present! Hyun Bin sarang!
The screencaps

The video
Fuck the heater
Just after I finished blogging last night, I proceeded to shower. In the midst of showering, I heard a 'dak' sound and all of a sudden, everything was in pitch darkness. It was damn scary because I couldnt see anything at all and the worse of all, I heard noises coming from the living room. Turned out that it was my sister who had just woken up and was playing the computer when the lights went out. As I was still dripping wet with water, she had to climb up to the circuit box to hit the switch back on...but the problem was that the switches were all on. So for around 10mins, we just stood around the house total darkness and I kept getting scolded because I was leaving patches of water everywhere I went to due to my wet hair.
Soon my parents returned and my father started fiddling around with the circuit but to no avail. Handphones came in handy as they provided us with light. Anyway, turned out that it was the circuit breaker outside my house that had the switch turned off. So yup, basically, the lights came back on but the problem was that I needed to finish showering and I cannot shower with cold water.(The heater was faulty.) Thus, my mum and I went over to Aunt Fifi's house to shower. Damn's like 'Can I go over to your house and finish showering?' WTF...paiseh. The most paiseh thing was that I wrapped my hair with the towel and just walked all the way home in that manner...
What a nice way to spend Christmas...
Meri Kuri(zutto zutto sobani ite)
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Ok la, Christmas is just another normal day for me, except that I get to go out shopping with my parents. Something like family day minus my sister? Talking about my sister, she returned from London last Monday but my mum thought that it was last Sunday so my whole family went to the airport to wait for her only to be told that we got the wrong date. Damn paiseh. Since my sister dropped her wallet in London, I thought she wont be giving me any presents from London but I was wrong...these are what she gave me.

Nice sheep pencil case :D

An 'Evolution of the Boy' notepad. Nope, there are no explicit photos of how a boy undergoes evolution.

Freaking big lollipop! Woah, this reminds me I got to lose some weight. Haha.
So basically those are the stuff she got for me. I especially like the 'Evolution of the Boy' notepad because the pages are actually detachable. So damn cool! Since I'm on the topic of presents, let me present to you my Christmas presents! Not many as compared to last year because my aunt's families decided to pool in money to get me a present instead of giving me 4 separate presents. In the end, I got book vouchers. I could use the Kinokuniya vouchers to buy v-u-den's upcoming PB but I dont know what I'm going to do with the MPH ones. Seriously,I dont even know where you can find MPH bookstores.

And yup, this is the SPA set I got from Shirley. Quite nice right? Just that I dont really use body lotion and I dont have a bathtub at home to use the foam bath thing in. That leaves me with only the body scrub thing to use...but first of all, I need to know how to use a body scrub. Yay, I'm quite a goondu.

Moving onto Christmas cards, I received a total of 3 Christmas cards this year. Quite a number considering that I never receive Christmas cards one. Damn, I sound so pathetic, but then again, Christmas is not that a big thing for my family. It's basically another 'off-day'.

From Aaron. Haha, and my name's 'Miss Universe-not-gonna-happen'. I shouldn't had told him that that was my real name. :P

Nice card from hy. I seriously thought that she 'kopped' this card from somewhere else but it turned out she created it. So pretty!

Scribble scribble scribble.

Merry Xmas!

Kyawaii!!!(Sorry for the Kya instead of Ka...been watching too much Hello Morning.) The previous 3 pictures were screencaps from the e-card Furumi sensei sent me. OMG, it was freaking cute!!! Suki suki suki!
I also did a Christmas card and sent it to the tai-tais, hy, Aaron and Furumi sensei. I was too lazy to write different messages on each card and mass send the cards so I basically sent the cards to those who sent me cards. A bit simple la, but at least I tried to do one. Below is a sample card.

By the way, I saw hy at Daiso today when I went there for lunch. Man, she's so hardworking...working on Christmas day itself. She spotted me first before I actually saw her. The cute Hello Kitty notepads caught my eyes so I was eyeing them from some distance and I went 'Ehhhh...' when hy came walking from that direction. I thought that it was quite funny. Haha. Okay...I got to go and prepare notes for tomorrow's classes...damn. Oh yup, the J2 class I took yesterday wasnt that bad afterall :D.
P.S: Uploaded BoA's Xmas special album songs!
Work + Party
I just realised that I've been working for about 2 weeks and I havent even blogged a bit about it. So yup, I started work not very pleased becuase I was transferred to Jurong East on the 1st day itself...becuase that meant that I have to take the bus and MRT to work instead of just walking there. In addition to it, they separated Vicki and me so that we were about a block away from each other. Anyway, I got to take a class on my first day and it was Sec 4 A Maths. Sucks. I really didnt like that class. Not responsive at all plus the girls were freaking idiotic.
Currently in my 2nd week of work, somehow or rather I've grown to like my colleagues and I dont really want to get transferred back because that would mean that I got to re-know people...which I dont like. Anyway, I'm stationed at the Science department in Jurong East so everyday I got to open the door and close it...which kind of sucks because the Science door is so freaking difficult to open!! I can spend 15min and still get stuck outside. Greeaat. So when I finally get the door open, I'll come face to face with...myself. Nope, I did not see a ghost, I'm still alive, aren't I. Around 2 years ago, I did this photoshoot for the Science poster which is now pasted on the wall of Just Science. No one recognised me as the person in the poster. Wahaha, cool.

So anyway, yesterday we had this company Christmas party and it was seriously quite fun. The food was good and there was red wine, which was kinda sour for me. There were games and karaoke too! Damn, the karaoke machine was freaking awesome! I never knew that there was a karaoke room in the centre!! It's not that kind of lousy home karaoke machine where you have to change the disc's like the K-box kind where you pick a song off the songbooks and enter the number to sing. Cool! The games played were kind of silly but then again, that's where all the fun come from :D First game was this dice-throwing game and it started off with lousy response but as the game went on, even I was excited to see who would win the game. Next was this 'Darumasan ga Koronda' type of game with the first prize of only $50. Seriously, those people who participated in the game were really good at being motionless when the music stopped...they could even not move their eyes! It was at this game that I realised that Francis Ang, who used to be freaking white but now so tanned, and this other guy called Weiyuan or something were wearing shirts that were of the same colour and about the same pattern. Just as I was wondering that it might be a coincidence, I spotted Sean Chua wearing an almost identical shirt. Now I'm starting to wonder if that's their uniform or something.
After the game was basically dancing ala clubbing style. Almost everyone danced except Hui Koon and me. We basically stood motionless on the dance floor and looked at others dance, so I guess I'm not that kind of clubbing person :D Sean Chua was the DJ for the night and the songs he played were seriously outdated. Haha. Ms Ong went over to ask him to change the songs to something more rock and so he did. The first song he put on had 'motherfucker' screaming out of the speakers and everyone was like 'Wahhhh!' So I guess he changed songs again.
Next on was present exchange. We had to burst balloons to get our number to exchange presents. And I got this...really nice wrapping.

Upon opening, I realised that it was Ferrero Rocher chocolates. Yummy!!

I also received a nice Spa Therapy thingy from Shirley, my 2IC. It was so nice of her! :D She's a really nice superior!
After exchanging presents, those who were playing mahjong resumed their mahjong games and the others either continued eating or went on to sing karaoke. Vicki, Huixin, Hui Koon and I left about 1am.
I didnt take any photos at the party becuase it would look very weird so I'm waiting to see if anyone would upload them and mass email them. Haha.
40th JCS Graduation Ceremony Dinner Party
Attended the 40th JCS Graduation Ceremony Dinner Party today.

The ceremony, like last year was held at The Executives' Club, OCBC Centre.

Seriously, for a name like The Executives' Club, the entrance was quite a disappointing one. Only one miserable potted plant could be seen.

The dinner was supposed to start at 7.00pm, as stated on the card, but on the programme list, the time was printed 7.30pm instead of 7.00pm. The suckiest thing was that I arrived at 5.30pm. I have this rather bad habit of arriving too early for an appointment. Either that, I arrive late...however, that's rarely the case. So anyway, since I arrived so early, I began rehearsing my speech I was supposed to give on behalf of the student body. On the programme list, it's printed that I'm the top student, which is not true, so I asked the receptionist about it. She then replied, 'If not write you third meh? Aiya, as long in top 10 all called top students la...' I found her answer quite cute, for an old lady like her. :D

I brought my doggie bag with me and was hugging it when I was rehearsing my speech and the other receptionist who saw me got a shock because she thought that I brought a dog into the club...hahaha.
Anyway, I saw this really nice Christmas tree in the OCBC bank but I was scared that they would stop me from taking a picture of it becuase well, by taking the Christmas tree, I would be taking the whole of the bank's layout...which isnt quite good if I were a terrorist. Ok, not funny. So instead, I took a photo of the pathetic Christmas tree in The Executives' Club.

The artpiece outside the dining room. Quite wtf. I also can draw. Sorry if that's called abstract art.

So anyway, after a long long la la wait, the ceremony finally started with Mr Gan giving a speech. Next was the ambassador guy, Isobe Hiroaki, who strangely reminded of Koizumi Junichiro. They then started giving out awards and after the whole awards thingy was my speech. After they announced my name, I went up to the mike. Considering that the announcer was a whole head taller than me, he had to help me adjust the mike. However, he failed the first time round as it was still too high for me and had to do it a second time. Seriously, everyone was like laughing. Speech went okay surprisingly. Didnt make any mistakes. :D
I think that everyone was awaiting anxiously for me to finish my speech because after my speech would be dinner! Dinner was buffet style and damn were there lots of choices. One thing weird is that for a Japanese graduation ceremony, only Chinese food was served. Okay la, there was Japanese food...the octopus only.

After dinner was photo-taking time! When I took a duo shot with Furumi Natsuko sensei, the ladies who were queueing up to take photos with her were commenting on how much I looked like Furumi sensei. Well, I take that as a compliment :D The photo's a bit blurry...wasted!!! Sensei's going back to Japan this Sunday...sayonara!

So here's the class photo. The person who helped me take the photo actually pressed the shutter button 7 freaking times!!! She's damn fast lo, considering that we were on the stage for a short period of time.

So ya, that's about it. Will update with more pictures in the gallery when I receive the photos the others took. Unlike last year where all teachers wore some form of ethnic costumes, this year's one was a bit plain. Everyone wore evening gowns. I think that Yonekura sensei covered a little too much today, as compared to last year's sexy dress. Honda sensei...well, still looks damn pretty. The claps she got when she went to receive her prize were thunderous! Furumi sensei looks better today than last year.
Sidetracking a little, below are the momentos Kym got for me from Korea.

Teddy Bear Museum badge and a nice pouch.

ACJC Seniors' Night 2005
ACJC Seniors' Night 2005 was held at Ritz Carlton's Grand Ballroom on 6th December 2005. Before attending any functions like this, the most important things are makeup, hairstyling and nails. So, I went to Kim's salon at Midpoint Orchard to do my nails. Considering that I dont really have much sense of direction, I went to Centrepoint Orchard instead and spent like 15 mins searching for her salon before I realised that I was at the wrong place. I then proceeded to walk to another wrong building before I finally arrived at Niche Beauty, Midpoint Orchard. I'm a genius man...
After getting my nails done, which were damn pretty, I met Kym at Suntec City to get our makeup done. Initially I planned to comb all my hair up like what I did for Sec 4 Prom but the hairstylist thought that letting it down was better. So basically. she curled my hair and sprayed lots of hairspray...that took me quite a while to wash out when I got home.

Kym and I reached Ritz damn early so we spent some time hiding in the toilet while waiting for the rest of the people to arrive. The toilet's like woah, freaking shiok! There like a couch in the toilet and the toilet doors are so freaking high. Then again, the Equinox toilet looks better. After some time waiting in the toilet, and of course taking photos, we went out only to see Mr Sim...eating chips, even before the dinner started.

Next, I saw Mindy but I wasnt sure if it was her because she was soooo pretty in black!!! Like, sexy, haha. I spent like a minute or so deciding whether or not to go over and say hi in case I mistook someone else for her. So anyway, Kym and I waited a little longer before Li Ming arrived. We were taking photos around the Christmas tree when this councillor guy came over and asked if we would like to register in which we replied that we still dont have the tickets. His expression when he heard that was quite funny...haha.
After Nic arrived, we then decided to enter. While walking towards the security checkpoint..., no la, councillor checkpoint, the same councillor guy came up and asked us if we wanted to register, which we did. While registering, we had to stretch out our left hands so that Michael Teng could stamp this invisible-only-can-be-seen-under-special-light-like-I-believe chop on our hands. Instead of stretching out my left hand, I stretched out my right hand. Clever me. The girl next to Michael Teng then went, 'Left hand, left hand.' And, I spent like a second trying to decide which was my left hand...fuck, so paiseh. My sister's planning to disown me after she heard of this.
During the reception, apparently Nic and Kym were so hungry that they finished the chips there while I attacked the almond nuts. Then, feeling freaking bored, we started blowing out candles that were supposed to be lit for ambience. We then sat down on the piano chair, yup, all four of us, and started to talk. It wasnt until 8pm(reception started at 6.30pm) that we were allowed into the ballroom. The interior of the ballroom looked like a Japanese flag to me...

We initally sat at Table 57, only to realise later that we were at the wrong table. We were supposed to be Table 55...The freebies we got were quite nice. It included vouchers, Line In(which I think everyone discarded it), a namecard holder and a handphone pouch that looks so pretty!

Before we entered the ballroom, Li Ming was searching for fishball but we basically did not catch sight of him. It wasnt until the lights came on after the first video was played that we realised that fishball was seated at the table next to ours...fate? Then again, Li Ming just didnt have the guts to go over and take a picture with him, even though I offered to help her ask. So wasted! Then again, I didnt see 'Kim Hyesung' until after everything so yup, no photo too. By the way, Andrew Lai was in the video, haha, so funny!!!
The food was served and the prawns in the first dish sucked. The rest of the dishes werent that 'wow' either so basically I didnt touch most of the food. I dont even think I finished eating any of the dishes served. Then again, who's interested in eating when you can take photos? Photos are all up in the gallery already. Click here to view. Below are the photos that I thought were quite interesting.

Kym, Lisa, Nic, Me and Li Ming. Seriously, I dont think that we have a photo of us 5 together although we sat in a row and hung out with each other in school in J1. I so love this photo.

Freaking Ray is sooooo tall! This shows that it's not that I'm short but it's that he's tall because Li Ming looks short here too. Haha.

I dont know why but I really like this photo of this 'quarelling' duo. *Hint hint*

Tommie's outfit really rocked! His hair was seriously a bit scary but cool at the same time. I never knew that his hair was! No wonder he won Mr Dressed-to-Impress.

Nice effect, dont you think so? Wonder who's that person in red...damn cool la.

Class photo! Damn, I'll miss my class so much...
Overall speaking, below is what I thought of the whole event.
-Miss Dressed-to-Impress looked...well...slutty. Her dress was basically a corset with frills at the end.
-Kym's hair looked damn nice.
-I didnt know where to look when I was looking at Michelle.(just kidding)
-Li Ming won a prize but refused to go on stage to receive it.
-She should have had taken a photo with fishball, who surprisingly, was quite popular with girls. I thought that he was gay.
-I'm still wondering why Andrew Chia didnt come.
-Ritz Carlton looks ugly on the outside but shiok on the inside.
-Ritz has lousy food.
-People in ACJC do smoke. Some guy proceeded to smoke straightaway, in the hotel, when teachers were out of sight.
-Michael Teng is cute.
-Too bad the Bi-lookalike guy is not a councillor...
So yup, end of post, proceed to the gallery to view the pictures since a picture worth a thousand words :D